Pubdate: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 Source: Kamloops Daily News (CN BC) Copyright: 2012 Kamloops Daily News Contact: Details: Author: Robert Koopmans, Daily News Staff Reporter POT-SHOP OPERATOR TAKES AIM AT DRUG LAWS Compassion Club Owner Charged With Trafficking A Kamloops medical marijuana activist says he will challenge Canada's drug laws as unconstitutional after being charged with trafficking. Carl Anderson was charged by the federal Crown last week with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. The charges stem from a Kamloops police search of Anderson's Tranquille storefront. Drug officers searched the store Nov. 1, seizing several boxes of items, including growing and dried marijuana. Anderson is scheduled to appear in provincial court to face the charges Feb. 20. A federal Crown prosecutor from Vancouver is expected to appear here to handle the file. Anderson told The Daily News said he wants to use the trial to challenge the medical marijuana laws, suggesting they are a violation of his Charter-protected rights. "We want to go for a constitutional challenge," he said. "It will all be exposed now as a result of this court case. There are so many aspects of this that are unconstitutional. "It's unfortunate. How many tax dollars will be wasted on this? I think it's disgusting." Anderson was expected to make an application Monday for the return of the marijuana seized from his store during the raid. He made a similar application last month, but was told to return later as the police were still within their legal ability to hold the seized items. Now that Anderson has been charged, the items can be held as evidence. He said he may no longer make the request to have the marijuana returned. At the last court hearing, Anderson said roughly 900 grams of what was taken was his own personal supply. He has a Health Canada licence to possess 1,200 grams, for personal medicinal use. He had it stored in a safe at his office. He also told the court he has contracted with many individuals to act as an intermediary between them and marijuana growers. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.