Pubdate: Fri, 17 Feb 2012
Source: Daily Tribune, The (Royal Oak, MI)
Copyright: 2012 The Daily Tribune
Author: Catherine Kavanaugh


Imprisoned last year following a drug raid at his Royal Oak house,
Hash Bash organizer and medical marijuana proponent Adam Brook has a
growing base of supporters trying to make his time behind bars more

Brook, 43, is four months into a two-year sentence after pleading
guilty to two counts of possessing a firearm while committing a felony.

He suffers from lymphedema, an incurable condition that causes the
legs and arms to swell and is often brought by on cancer treatment.
Brook had thyroid cancer.

"Adam is not a well man," said Melissa Griggs, who is selling "Free
Adam Brook Now" T-shirts for $10 each to raise money for his prison
store account. "His legs are swollen, the skin is splitting open and
he needs special pressurized wraps."

Griggs acknowledges Brook has no chance for an early release, parole
or probation because of the mandatory sentence for his firearm pleas.

However, she said Brook is on a lot of peoples' minds as plans are
made for the 2012 Hash Bash in Ann Arbor, where she also will sell the

Griggs said she is among those who people believe Brook was singled
out by Oakland County law enforcement for being a marijuana activist.

"I believe they put him in prison because of who he is," Griggs said.
"He's a political prisoner. He organized the Hash Bash for 20 years
and he was the 1994 High Times freedom fighter of the year."

Griggs said Brook was at physical therapy when his home was raided on
Jan. 12, 2011.

Undercover police with the Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team
(NET) said they seized 600 grams of marijuana, two handguns, a
shotgun, a bullet-proof vest, marijuana candy, a triple-beam scale,
and a tally sheet with names and prices from Brook's house on Whitcomb

Brook was charged with violating drug and weapons laws. He once had a
state-approved medical marijuana card but it had expired and the 1.3
pounds of marijuana he possessed exceeded the 2.5 ounces allowed to
medical marijuana patients.

Last October, Brook was sentenced to two years in prison after
pleading guilty to two counts of possessing a firearm while committing
a felony. He also pleaded no contest to one count each of delivery
and/or manufacture of marijuana and being a felon in possession of a
firearm. His prior felony conviction was for carrying a concealed
weapon in the late 1980s.

Oakland Circuit Judge Rudy Nichols didn't sentence Brook to any time
for the drug charge or being felon with a firearm. Brook is serving
his two years at the Parnell Correctional Facility, a minimum-security
prison in Jackson.

With the 41st annual Hash Bash set for April 7, a lot of people are
just finding out why Brook doesn't have a lead role in its
organization. Griggs said she is selling donated T-shirts because
people want to help him until his Oct. 5, 2013, release date.

"Every cent of the money raised will go to Adam's commissary account
so he can buy decent soap that doesn't dry out his skin, shampoo, and
T-shirts so he isn't cold," Griggs said.

Her effort is drawing attention to Brook's case on social media. One
Facebook posting by a supporter says, "He's in jail for an antique
pistol...and a Normandy Beach flak jacket from an American hero that
landed on D-Day to save Europe."

Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper refuted that and laughed at
the notion Brook is a political prisoner.

"I have no idea who he is," she said.

Cooper said a black powder six-shot Fillipieta gun found at Brook's
house was alleged to be antique but three other weapons also were seized.

"The antique handgun is not an issue," Cooper said. "They neglect to
talk about the .380 pistol filly loaded in the nightstand, a Remington
1100 shot gun in the closet and a .357 next to a chair."

Brook's supporters contend the firearms were legally registered to
another person in the household. However, Brook couldn't be anywhere
there was a gun because of the prior felony conviction.

His supporters also say the 600 grams of marijuana at the house were
"used up" from a vaporizer process that lets people inhale active
cannabinoids while avoiding harmful smoke toxins.

Cooper said marijuana was found in jars and bags and there was scale
to measure out quantities. Police also seized Vicodin and THC candy
from Brook's house, she added.

"If we had prosecuted on all drug counts he could be doing two years
plus two years," Cooper said.

Griggs said Brook accepted a plea deal to protect his family from
assets being seized. She is selling the "Free Adam Brook Now" T-shirts
for $10 each to people who buy them in person from her but has to add
packaging and shipping costs to mail orders. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.