Pubdate: Thu, 23 Feb 2012
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2012 Canwest Publishing Inc.
Author: Jason Van Rassel, Calgary Herald


Demand for Rave Drug Feeds Pipeline From B.C. to Deaths In

If history is any guide, the ecstasy that has killed 10 people in
southern Alberta since last July likely came from B.C.'s Lower Mainland.

Law enforcement agencies around the world have identified Canada as a
major exporter of ecstasy, and the Lower Mainland is considered one of
the main places where it's made.

"It seems to be it's being controlled by certain organized crime
groups and the majority of ecstasy coming into Alberta is coming from
B.C.," said Sgt. Donna Hanson, the RCMP's drug awareness co-ordinator
for Alberta.

Ecstasy is not a new drug, nor are deaths and illnesses associated
with taking it.

What is new - and what has elevated concern among police and public
health officials - is a spate of deaths among people who have taken
ecstasy containing a highly toxic drug, paramethoxymethamphetamine

The provincial medical examiner's office has linked 10 recent deaths
in southern Alberta to ecstasy containing PMMA.

In neighbouring B.C., officials have linked five deaths in the past
six months to PMMA.

Because ecstasy is an illegal drug made and sold by criminal
organizations, it's difficult for authorities to say for certain why
Canada is a major player and why PMMA has recently shown up in cases
involving deaths and serious overdoses.

Police and drug experts have theories, mostly centred on the
avail-ability of the substances, known as precursors, used to make

The main precursor in ecstasy is safrole, an oil taken from the
sassafras plant.

Criminals use chemical processes that change safrole's molecular
structure, eventually resulting in methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA), the drug known as ecstasy.

Safrole and the products it is converted into on the way to becoming
ecstasy are controlled substances in Canada, meaning their import and
export must be documented and licensed.

Still, the rules for precursors are less strict than the United
States, leading U.S. authorities to claim that Canadian crime groups
are getting large amounts and diverting them into the illegal
manufacture of ecstasy.

"MDMA . . . is predominantly produced in Canada. As some of the
precursors to produce MDMA are not controlled substances under
Canadian law, they are often shipped in bulk from China and India,"
reads a 2012 threat assessment for Washing-ton state written by the
U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy.

The same report documented large quantities of ecstasy seized by U.S.
authorities in Washington state, presumably most of it coming from

U.S. agencies responsible for border enforcement in Washing-ton
intercepted 1.4 million doses in 2010 and 2.6 million doses the year

Yet during the same time period, U.S. authorities didn't find a single
ecstasy lab in the Pacific Northwest region.

It's a similar story in Alberta, where police haven't discovered any
large-scale ecstasy labs in re-cent memory.

Two weeks ago, police laid trafficking charges against two Calgar-ians
found with nearly a kilogram of ecstasy powder containing PMMA, but
they are not accused of manufacturing the drug.

When authorities have found large amounts of ecstasy in Calgary, the
evidence has pointed toward the Lower Mainland.

In 2002, Canada Border Services Agency officers at Calgary
Inter-national Airport intercepted 120 kilograms of ecstasy powder
hidden inside pianos en route to Vancouver after arriving on a flight
from Frankfurt, Germany.

At the time, European countries were considered a major source of
ecstasy in Canada.

No more: Canada is now a major producer and exporter according to the
United Nations and U.S. agencies such as the Drug Enforcement

In 2005, when Calgary police and the RCMP found 213,000 ecstasy
tab-lets in a gang member's Coventry Hills home, it had come by truck
from a dealer in Vancouver.

A lab dismantled by the RCMP in Richmond, B.C., in 2008 illustrates
the capacity of organized crime groups in the Lower Mainland to
manufacture huge quantities of ecstasy.

Police found 750,000 ecstasy pills and enough powder for 2.7 million

Conditions in the lab were filthy, and the drug cooks had contaminated
nearby water and vegetation by dumping the chemicals used in the process.

Police and public health officials have long warned taking ecstasy is
dangerous because it's made by criminals with little regard for
quality control or consistency.

Ecstasy seized and tested by police is routinely found to contain
other drugs, such as methamphetamine.

But police in Alberta and B.C. recently identified a new risk: ecstasy
containing PMMA, which is highly potent in low doses.

Authorities said there is an added element of risk because PMMA is
slow-acting, making some people more prone to take large amounts if
the effects of the ecstasy don't kick in as quickly as they're
accustomed to.

Someone who believes they are taking a small amount of ecstasy could
actually be unknowingly taking a lethal amount of PMMA.

Officials in Alberta and B.C. began noticing deaths and
hospitalizations linked to PMMA in mid-2011, raising the issue of why
someone began putting it in ecstasy.

Without proof of any more complicated reasons, experts have offered a
simple explanation: supply and demand.

If supplies of the usual precursors became scarce for some reason,
manufacturers would probably turn to something similar.

"You have groups that are waiting for the next cook, the next quantity
to come, so they'll use the next best thing," said Martin Bouchard, a
Simon Fraser University criminology professor who co-wrote a recent
study on ecstasy and methamphetamine trafficking for Public Safety

Although Bouchard's research takes issue with U.S. and UN studies that
rank Canada as one of the world's top exporters of ecstasy, he said
large seizures made abroad leave little doubt Canadian organized crime
groups are capable of making vast quantities.

"Certainly, we're a major player based on our population," he

Although no one can say for sure, Bouchard said it's plausible a
decision by only one or two organized crime groups to use PMMA may be
behind its sudden, widespread appearance in ecstasy found in Alberta
and B.C.

"I wouldn't be surprised if all of these deaths are tied to one or two
producers," he said.

It's also possible, Bouchard added, that faced with the deadly
outcomes associated with PMMA, ecstasy manufacturers will go back to
using more common precursors once they're able to find them.

"It wouldn't be surprised if (PMMA) comes and goes," he said.
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.