Pubdate: Mon, 22 Feb 2012
Source: Kamloops Daily News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2012 Kamloops Daily News
Author: Robert Koopmans, Daily News Staff Reporter 


The federal Crown says it is unlikely to voluntarily return 1,200
grams of marijuana to a Kamloops activist licensed to possess that
amount for medical purposes.

Carl Anderson was in provincial court Monday to face charges of
possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, stemming from
a raid at his Tranquille Avenue storefront Nov. 1. Police seized 50
growing plants and roughly 1,500 grams of dried marijuana.

At the same time, Anderson asked the court to order the return of
1,200 grams, as he has a Health Canada permit allowing him to possess
that amount for personal use. He is also allowed to grow 49 plants.

Federal Crown prosecutor Oren Bick said the Crown considers the seized
drugs as necessary evidence for Anderson's upcoming trial.

The Crown might agree to return other items seized from Anderson's
store, including two computers and some other scientific equipment, he

The matter will be back in court March 19, when the discussion will
continue. Anderson said he is in the process of seeing if he can
obtain a lawyer.

Anderson sought the return of marijuana once before, in a similar
situation more than two years ago. Then, Kamloops drug officers raided
his home, believing he was growing commercially.

Officers say they seized 136 plants and more than six kilograms of
marijuana, when Anderson was only allowed to possess 49 plants and 2.2
kilograms. The drug squad also dismantled and seized the man's
hydroponic growing equipment and took his computer.

Anderson denied he was over his permitted limits, saying most of the
live plants were immature clones, many of which would not have
survived. He also denied he had more dried cannabis than he was allowed.

Anderson was not charged. More than a month after the raid, the
federal Crown deemed the circumstances did not warrant charges.

The marijuana was destroyed, however, and never returned.
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.