Pubdate: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 Source: Odessa American (TX) Copyright: 2012 Odessa American Contact: Details: ECISD Police: 79 DRUG CHARGES THIS SCHOOL YEAR Seven felony drug charges and 72 misdemeanor drug charges total have been handed out to Ector County Independent School District students this school year, a district official reported. The arrest of four Permian students Feb. 16 on felony and prescription drug charges on a Crime Stoppers tip received widespread attention. But at the same time and on the same day, ECISD police arrested an Odessa High School student on a class A marijuana charge. [name redacted], 17, was arrested at around 11 a.m. Feb. 16 at Odessa High School after Ector County Independent School District police received a Crime Stoppers tip that she had marijuana, an ECISD case report stated. [name] was found to be in possession of an unspecified amount of marijuana and a pipe upon being searched, the report stated. [name] was charged with possession of marijuana in a drug free zone, a Class A misdemeanor. Overall, two felonies and 10 misdemeanor drug arrests have been made at OHS this school year, in comparison with three felonies and 23 misdemeanors at Permian. With the exception of Ector, all junior highs have seen at least one arrest, and three of the elementaries have had arrests as well. The ECISD Code of Conduct states that students over the age of 6 must be placed in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program if the student, either on or within 300 feet of school property, "sells, gives, delivers, possesses, uses, or is under the influence of marijuana, a controlled substance (see definitions), a dangerous drug (see definitions), or an alcoholic beverage (see definitions) in any amount not punishable as a felony." The Code of Conduct further states that the student would be transferred to the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program for an 18-day period. If a parent completes drug awareness training, the 18-day period will be reduced to 12 days, the Code of Conduct stated. Three repeat offenses can result in the expulsion of a student, the Code of Conduct stated. ECISD DRUG-RELATED ARRESTS * Odessa High School, two felonies, 10 misdemeanors. * Permian High School, three felonies, 23 misdemeanors. * New Tech Odessa, one misdemeanor. * Bonham Junior High School, one felony, one misdemeanor. * Bowie Junior High School, four misdemeanors. * Crockett Junior High School, one felony, five misdemeanors. * John B. Hood Junior High School, 12 misdemeanors. * Nimitz Junior High School, five misdemeanors. * Ross Elementary School, two misdemeanors. * Cavazos Elementary School. one misdemeanor. * Goliad Elementary School, two misdemeanors. - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart