Pubdate: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 Source: Record Searchlight (Redding, CA) Copyright: 2012 Record Searchlight Contact: Details: Author: Patrick Luna DRUG USERS WRECK BEAUTIFUL PARKS Hello, Redding. Love your town: mighty Sacramento running through the middle, glorious Trinity Alps beckon to the west, the magnificent Shasta dominating the north, while old man Lassen nods to the east. Some of our favorite restaurants are there and in the winter, coming from Reno, the weather is like going to a foreign land. You've saved some of your classic downtown and your parks are beautiful. And there's the rub. Walking my dog through Tiger Field on a recent visit, one of your colorful characters who obviously spends all his days under one of the trees in the park along with dozens of others, reminded me -- in no uncertain way -- that "dogs were not allowed." I hadn't seen the sign and he was right, of course. Then he proceeded to squat down next to the cinderblock restrooms to smoke a bowl of meth just 25 feet from where young children were swinging. Change the sign: No Dogs Allowed but Drug Addicts Welcome! Better clean it up, Redding. I worked as a fireman/paramedic for 25 years in big cities and I spent much of my career with people who "live under the bridges," but you have them taking over your parks during daylight hours. I promise you won't like what's coming if you don't. Patrick Luna, Reno - --- MAP posted-by: Matt