Pubdate: Sat, 14 Apr 2012
Source: Kamloops Daily News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2012 Kamloops Daily News
Author: Jason Hewlett


Pot activist Carl Anderson has scheduled a news conference for Monday 
morning when he and defence lawyer Shawn Buckley are prepared to make 
public a new twist in the proceedings.

"There's been a change in the case and we want to make some comments 
on it," Buckley told The Daily News on Friday.

Buckley wouldn't comment further, saying he and Anderson are prepared 
to discuss the matter in detail following his client's next court 
appearance at 9:30 a.m. Monday.

He expects Anderson's appearance will last no more than five or 10 
minutes. The press conference will take place in front of the 
Kamloops Law Courts immediately afterward, said Buckley.

Anderson was charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose 
trafficking earlier this year. The charges stem from a Kamloops 
police search of Anderson's Tranquille Road storefront.

Drug officers searched the store Nov. 1, seizing several boxes of 
items, including growing and dried marijuana.

Buckley has been Anderson's council since the beginning and has made 
a name for himself protecting people's access to the medications they need.

He said compassion clubs in B.C. are largely left alone by law 
enforcement. Yet RCMP made a concentrated effort to shut Anderson's 
operation down.

"Here in Kamloops we don't have, obviously, the same rights that they 
do in Vancouver and other communities," said Buckley.

Another case of authorities targeting a compassion club occurred at 
the Cannabis Buyers' Club of Canada in Victoria. Buckley said the 
club was prosecuted for selling baked goods containing marijuana.

He said some people are unable to smoke marijuana for health reasons 
but still require the THC for medical purposes.

Buckley's comments came as B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Johnston 
struck down a section of Health Canada's medical marijuana laws in 
relation to the Cannabis Buyers' Club case.

Johnston concluded that restriction to dried marijuana in Marijuana 
Medical Access Regulations is unconstitutional as it breaches Section 
7 of the Charter of Rights. If the decision stands, it means medical 
marijuana users will be able to possess cannabis in any form.

Owen Smith, the head baker for the Cannabis Buyers' Club, will stand 
trial on charges of possession for the purpose of trafficking and 
unlawful possession of marijuana.

Smith is to appear in court in Victoria April 25 o fix a date for 
jury selection.
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