Pubdate: Sun, 29 Apr 2012
Source: Morning Star, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2012 The Morning Star
Author: Richard Rolke


North Okanagan mayors are among those demanding marijuana be decriminalized.

A coalition of eight B.C. mayors are urging Premier Christy Clark, 
NDP leader Adrian Dix and B.C. Conservative leader John Cummins to 
support the strict regulation of marijuana and taxation.

"We want to raise the profile of public safety and the issue of 
failed public policy," said Rob Sawatzky, Vernon mayor and a member 
of the coalition.

"It directly impacts us with crime and policing."

Among the others in the coalition are Enderby's Howie Cyr, 
Armstrong's Chris Pieper and James Baker from Lake Country.

"The number of mayors and councils will increase because the money 
being spent on taking down grow-ops, going to court and putting 
people in jail is extremely high," said Cyr, a retired police officer 
who is concerned about gang activities.

"We want to get violence out of the picture."

Cyr says authorities should have the same ability to regulate 
marijuana as they do with cigarettes and alcohol.

"You can tax it and divert the money to treatment and education."

Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA, says drug laws are a federal 
responsibility, but he believes the mayors' should be listened to.

"These aren't a bunch of pot heads. These are people looking at it 
from a pragmatic approach," he said.

But Foster isn't sure if marijuana should be decriminalized.

"There needs to be a lot more discussion. With 15 years working in a 
high school, I saw what marijuana does to kids," he said.

Sawatzky understands drug regulations are federal but he insists the 
province should be involved.

"We all have a responsibility for expressing opinions about things 
that impact our community," he said.

Cyr also wants provincial leaders to be active.

"Yes, it's federal but if B.C. provides a strong stance, we could see 
other provinces join the call. We need to have the discussion," he said.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom