Pubdate: Mon, 07 May 2012 Source: Alberni Valley Times (CN BC) Copyright: 2012 Alberni Valley Times Contact: Details: Author: Megan Horvath GOVERNMENT SHOULD LEGALIZE MARIJUANA In the government there has been talk of legalizing marijuana. I think it should be either legalized or decriminalized. It is a much less dangerous drug than alcohol or tobacco, which both have very high death rates. There have been zero deaths caused by marijuana. Another reason marijuana should be legalized is because many more people would be able to use it for its medical benefits without having to apply for a green card. Medical benefits this drug has is it helps with insomnia, chronic pain, cancer, anorexia, depression, and more. Legalizing marijuana would benefit the economy greatly, because if it were to be sold in stores it could be taxed and with such a high user rate, it would generate a significant tax revenue. Legalizing this substance would also benefit the communities because the police would use much less tax money targeting marijuana growers, traffickers and users. Tax money could go toward other crimes, funding for schools and infrastructure. By keeping marijuana illegal, it is almost glorifying the drug. Preteens and teens will want to find out for themselves what is so good about this drug that makes it illegal. By legalizing it, marijuana will be a topic that is more in the open, and it's pros and cons can be more openly discussed to give people a better understanding of marijuana. Megan Horvath Sproat Lake - --- MAP posted-by: Matt