Pubdate: Wed, 09 May 2012
Source: Morning Star, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2012 The Morning Star
Author: Richard Rolke
Cited: Stop the Violence BC:


Another North Okanagan community is demanding marijuana be decriminalized.

Members of Lumby council voted Monday to ask senior government to 
regulate and tax cannabis products.

"It will put cannabis in the same category as alcohol and tobacco. 
Authorities would be able to control the product," said Coun. Nick Hodge.

Similar stances have already been taken by Vernon, Enderby, Armstrong 
and Lake Country.

For Hodge, government control of marijuana would reduce the 
activities of criminal organizations.

"It would cut off 70 per cent of their funding," he said of gangs.

Mayor Kevin Acton also wants changes to the laws.

"Prohibition is not working. The government needs to find a better 
way to do it," he said.

Stop the Violence B.C., which wants marijuana regulated, made a 
presentation to council in April but a decision was delayed until 
Monday so more information, including from the RCMP, could be obtained.

The federal government is responsible for drug laws and it has 
indicated that it will not decriminalize marijuana. However, Hodge 
believes Ottawa won't be able to ignore the pressure coming from 
communities like Lumby.

"It's a symbolic act but 40 years ago, a (federal) commission stated 
it should be regulated," he said.

But while he supported the motion for regulation, Acton admits he has 
some reservations about decriminalization.

"I have talked to several police officers and doctors and they are 
not in favour of it," he said.

"There's a concern that if we decriminalize marijuana, everyone will 
have access to it. It's still a health issue."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom