Pubdate: Wed, 16 May 2012
Source: Petoskey News-Review (MI)
Copyright: 2012 Petoskey News-Review


A bipartisan collection of lawmakers is telling their fellow Michigan
House representatives that fair is fair when it comes to government
handouts and drug testing.

Executives and presidents of companies accepting "corporate welfare"
from the state would be tested for illegal drugs under legislation
sponsored by Rep. Tom McMillin, R-Rochester Hills. It has the support
of at least three other Republicans and a Democrat.

McMillin said he sponsored the bill in response to proposed
legislation that would require social welfare recipients to pass a
drug test to qualify for assistance.

He also happens to have an intense dislike for taxpayer-funded gratis
to the corporate world.

"It is more than a statement," McMillin told Michigan State
University's Capital News Service. "If we end up going down that road
with greater discussion about drug testing welfare recipients, I will
be very bold in making sure that this gets into that debate, and will
not rest until we treat corporate welfare the same as social welfare."

This bill would affect companies that receive loans and grants from
the Michigan Strategic Fund. The strategic fund is administered by the
Michigan Economic Development Corp., and supports business
development, community development and state marketing activities,
including promotion of tourism, film industry and arts and cultural

The legislation would take effect only if the similar welfare benefits
bill passes.

The bill is in committee. Asked about its chances of even making it
past committee phase, McMillin reiterated to the Petoskey News-Review
that he plans to push this issue, hard.

He sees strategic fund programs as take money from businesses and
taxpayers and give it -- thanks to connections and lobbyists - for
unfair advantage to competitors.

"We never talk of the cost, the money out of pocket. It's hard to
argue drug testing people for $400-$500 a month (receiving in aid)
when we are giving out millions of dollars.

"Those companies I don't have much affinity for. The vast majority
make it on their own and just want government to get out of their way."

McMillin strikes a nerve when he argues that companies which pay their
taxes end up helping pay for their competitors to have an economic

Welfare benefits and corporate tax breaks and incentives are not the
same thing, but we can see why McMillin calls them both handouts. We
appreciate McMillin's position and are tired of some politicians in
our state thinking that struggling single mothers are somehow all
drug-addled second-class citizens because they need state assistance.
Yet when a corporation holds its hand out for millions, why, that's
called job creation.

It's House Bill 5527 -- short, sweet and to the point. It's one to
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MAP posted-by: Matt