Pubdate: Sun, 27 May 2012
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA)
Copyright: 2012 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc


It makes more sense to fine persons caught with small amounts of marijuana.

A bill introduced in New Jersey that would impose fines rather than 
jail time for marijuana possession offers a more reasonable approach 
to the war on drugs.

Under the measure, a first-time offender arrested with 15 grams of 
marijuana or less would face a $150 fine. The fine for subsequent 
offenses could increase to up to $500, along with referral to a state 
drug-education program. The bill won unanimous approval with 
bipartisan support Monday from the Assembly Judiciary Committee. A 
Senate version was introduced last week.

Unfortunately, legislative approval may not be enough. A spokesman 
for Gov. Christie has said it is unlikely that the former federal 
prosecutor would sign it.

Christie similarly took the wrong stance in opposing legalization of 
medical marijuana. But it would be hypocritical for him not to 
support a measure that not only would save taxpayers millions of 
dollars, but also falls in line with his proposal to require 
mandatory drug treatment, rather than jail, for nonviolent drug 
offenders, rightly recognizing that addiction is a disease that 
warrants treatment.

A Rutgers-eagleton poll last year found that nearly 60 percent of 
registered voters in New Jersey support relaxing the punishment for 
possession of small amounts of marijuana. Fourteen states, including 
New York and Connecticut, have passed similar measures.

Currently, marijuana possession is a disorderly-person offense in New 
Jersey, the equivalent of a misdemeanor. It is punishable by up to 
six months in jail, $1,000 in fines, and a criminal record that 
cannot be expunged, which can make it difficult to find gainful employment.

Statistics show that tough but ineffective drug laws have swelled the 
nation's prisons. Almost half of all drug arrests are for marijuana, 
and nearly 80 percent of those arrests are for possession. Only about 
6 percent of the marijuana cases result in a felony conviction, 
according to the Sentencing Project. Those arrests disproportionately 
affect African Americans, who represent about 14 percent of marijuana 
users, but 30 percent of arrests.

Philadelphia allows some defendants caught with small amounts of 
marijuana to pay a fine and enter an educational program, which leads 
to their records being expunged.

It's time the war on drugs took a better approach. Marijuana should 
be regulated, but reasonable alternatives to incarceration make a lot 
more sense.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom