Pubdate: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Copyright: 2012 Chicago Tribune Company Contact: Website: Details: 'A SLIPPERY SLOPE' When a Proposed Marijuana Ordinance Is a Proxy for a Different Debate With Chicago's murder rate up 35 percent and the city too broke to hire more cops, a plan to ticket people caught with small amounts of marijuana instead of arresting them suddenly has wings. Mayor Rahm Emanuel has given it his blessing. Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy says the proposed ordinance would free up more than 20,000 hours of police time for more pressing concerns. It could save $1 million in enforcement costs and generate millions more in fines. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle says minor possession cases clog the criminal justice system and affect poor and minority families disproportionately. A majority of aldermen already have signed on to the proposal, which could go before the full City Council next week. What's not to love? So thank you, Ald. Ed Burke, 14th, for urging your colleagues to stop and think. "I'm not saying we shouldn't do this," says Burke, a former Chicago cop. "I'm saying there's a lot of questions that should be answered." Amen. A day after Burke applied the brakes to this discussion, the mayor's team answered with a revised plan that includes higher fines - a minimum of $250, up from $100 - and a promise that juveniles would not avoid arrest if caught with marijuana. Answering another concern raised by Burke, Emanuel said anyone who couldn't produce identification also would be arrested rather than issued a ticket. The mayor said he hopes those tweaks will help reluctant aldermen get "comfortable" with his plan. We're not so sure. We understand the arguments in favor of decriminalizing marijuana. Nationwide, roughly 9 in 10 marijuana arrests are for possession only. Most are dismissed or plea-bargained to lesser charges, calling into question the cost-effectiveness of arresting and prosecuting small-time users. Governments that have decriminalized those cases report little to no increase in marijuana use, and significant savings in enforcement. But lately the liberalization of marijuana laws has been driven not by criminal justice concerns, but by pot's potential as a revenue source for governments. Prosecuting people for possession costs money; ticketing them brings in money. This would be an easy vote for aldermen if cash were the only consideration. It isn't. "This is a slippery slope that we begin sliding down," Burke says. Ald. James Balcer, 11th, who chairs the Public Safety Committee, echoed that sentiment, right down to the words "slippery slope." We trust his committee will weigh the concerns of Burke and others instead of waving this ordinance through. Under this plan, cops would have the option of writing a ticket for possession of 15 grams or less of marijuana. (That's roughly equal to the amount of tobacco in a pack of 20 filtered cigarettes.) Fines would range from $250 to $500, and a second citation in 30 days would automatically warrant the maximum fine. An officer could choose to make an arrest under a state drug statute instead, charging the person with a misdemeanor that carries a possible six months in jail and a $1,500 fine. How would that decision be made? "The Police Department has to show us, I think, that they are not just going to blindly issue tickets to everybody that's in possession of small amounts," Burke says. He wants guidelines to help cops determine which situations call for more serious charges. "We have to make sure it's specific, they follow the ordinance to the letter and there is no gray area," says Ald. Anthony Beale, 9th. Yes, the public deserves assurances that the ordinance will be applied consistently. We're not sure how to square that with the notion of officer discretion. We're glad to hear the ordinance would not apply to juveniles. Giving a kid a glimpse of the criminal justice system for a minor offense is not a waste of resources. It can provide him or her with a dose of tough love or a referral to substance abuse counseling. It sends a message that we take our laws seriously. But having a different set of rules beginning at age 17 still sends the wrong message to young people. Generations of Americans have argued over whether marijuana is a gateway to more serious drugs. They're still arguing. There's no doubt that it's a gateway to other kinds of trouble. It's illegal, remember? It makes lawbreakers out of law-abiding citizens and exposes them to other lawbreakers - not just the ones who smoke but the ones who traffic, speaking of slippery slopes. A law that winks at marijuana possession also invites risky behaviors like driving while impaired, which is doubly worrisome when inexperienced drivers are involved. What are we telling our kids by making possession a ticketing offense? That pot is harmless? That prosecuting people over a joint or two (or 20) is excessive? That sounds like an argument for legalization, not for lower penalties, but we're not ready to go there and we don't think Chicagoans are, either. Until grown-ups resolve their ambivalence about marijuana, they can't help but send mixed signals to the kids. That's what this ticketing proposal does. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom