Pubdate: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 Source: Record Searchlight (Redding, CA) Copyright: 2012 Record Searchlight Contact: Details: TRINITY DEPUTY HAS RIGHTS, BUT ALSO HAS A BOSS Nothing keeps citizens on their toes like robust debates about the issues of the day - from the weeds in the lawn in front of the neighborhood school to the fate of the revolution in Syria. You know, the debates held on this very page and in other American newspapers every day. And nothing grounds those debates in reality so much as the well-informed views of those in the trenches: What's your doctor's take on the health care law? What does the business owner think of the state's labor regulations? How would the police sergeant clean up that crime-ridden park? So seeing anyone discouraged from speaking their mind in a letter to the editor, especially being silenced by a boss from offering opinions that reflect their professional experience, is hard to swallow. And the federal lawsuit that the American Civil Liberties Union recently filed on behalf of Trinity County deputy Mark Potts, claiming that Sheriff Bruce Haney trampled on his First Amendment rights by reprimanding him for writing letters to the Trinity Journal and barring him from writing more - it's a blow for freedom, right? Well, yes - but there's another side to the story. Last year Potts, an outspoken libertarian, wrote letters to the Journal advocating the legalization of marijuana, denouncing the false authority of "jackboots" from federal law enforcement and, in August, calling for jury nullification - that is, calling on jurors to refuse to convict defendants for violations of what they deem "unjust" laws. Now, none of those opinions are beyond mentioning in polite society. From a private citizen, they'd be thought-provoking but certainly wouldn't provoke a federal case. But from a sworn deputy for the Sheriff's Office? Slurring federal law enforcement officers as "jackboots" - which Nazis famously wore - undermines the department's ties with other agencies. Calling for the marijuana ban to change is borderline. Calling for jury nullification is way over the line. To arrest criminals and testify in court against them by day, while advocating jury nullification in one's free time, smacks of monkey-wrenching the justice system from the inside. It's no wonder the district attorney went so far as to say the office wouldn't prosecute cases in which Potts was involved. The right to free speech is a core American liberty. But freedom from government censorship doesn't necessarily mean freedom from having your boss tell you to shut up when you're undermining the team. We don't purport to know how the court will see the case. Potts' lawyers argue that his opinions never actually disrupted the sheriff's operations, which if true could make the gag order overkill. But if our idealistic hearts are with Deputy Potts, common sense says the DA and the sheriff have a point. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom