Pubdate: Sat, 28 Jul 2012
Source: Telegraph and Argus (UK)
Copyright: 2012 Newsquest Media Group
Author: Jessica Nightingale


The parents of a 14-year-old girl killed by a speeding driver who had 
taken cannabis were among the guests at a demonstration in Bradford 
of new roadside drug testing equipment.

Gary Groves, 42, and his wife Natasha, 43, of Croydon, are 
spearheading a campaign called Lillian's Law, following the tragic 
death of their daughter Lillian almost two years ago,. The campaign 
is calling for the introduction of roadside drug testing and tougher 

The family joined senior West Yorkshire police officers and Bradford 
Council road safety officers yesterday to inspect the Drugalyser 
equipment developed by Draeger Safety UK.

Draeger pioneered the breathalyser when it was introduced in Britain 
and it is working with Baildon -based Modern Health Systems to get 
roadside drug testing introduced in the UK.

Mrs Groves said: "It's frustrating that we can see these machines but 
they're not yet in use. It all seems a long time away. We would have 
liked it in place now but we understand it takes time. We will keep 
going until Lillian's legacy is reached."

Les Vasey, managing director of Modern Health Systems Ltd, said: 
"Roadside drug testing is already carried out in other European 
countries, including France, Italy and Germany, so Britain is lagging 
behind in using the technology now available."

The Home Office is conducting trials of the Drugalyser and similar 
equipment which can detect drugs by analysing saliva. Once approved 
roadside drug testing could be introduced on British roads within a year.

Chief Inspector Neil Hunter, head of traffic policing in West 
Yorkshire, said: "The seminar on the roadside drug testing equipment 
was very interesting. It's vital to keep up with new technologies."

New legislation announced in the Queen's Speech earlier this year 
will make it illegal to drive after taking certain drugs.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart