Pubdate: Fri, 03 Aug 2012
Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA)
Copyright: 2012 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.
Author: Kristina Davis


SAN DIEGO -- The San Diego Museum of Art denied on Friday media
reports that it funded a hoax staged by medical marijuana activists
this week.

Tuesday's hoax, which included fake news releases purportedly from
U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy and fake notices to pharmacies about closing
them, was organized by Americans for Safe Access, the nation's largest
medical cannabis advocacy group. The Yes Men, a New York-based
performance art group, and Canvass for a Cause, an LGBT activist
group, also participated.

The Balboa Park museum had asked The Yes Men to give a lecture July 27
as part of the museum's Summer Salon Series. The lecture was an
overview of the nonprofit group and what they do, and was considered a
successful event, a museum spokesman said.

While in San Diego, The Yes Men asked the museum for help connecting
to other activist groups, the spokesman said.

The group then held a separate workshop at an independent art studio,
which included Americans for Safe Access, and the idea for the hoax
was born out of a brainstorming session there.

The museum was not involved in the workshop but had offered to
reimburse $100 to participating organizations. No one applied for the
money, and no funds were supplied, the spokesman said.

"The San Diego Museum of Art did not pay for or support any component
of this hoax, nor any other programs created by workshop
participants," museum Executive Director Roxana Velasquez said in a

Eugene Davidovich, local coordinator for Americans for Safe Access,
said he was invited to participate in The Yes Men's workshop in an
email from the museum and still plans to apply for the $100
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