Pubdate: Tue, 07 Aug 2012
Source: Sierra Vista Herald (AZ)
Copyright: 2012 Sierra Vista Herald
Author: Adam Curtis


SIERRA VISTA - Medical marijuana dispensary certificates have been
awarded to applicants from the Community Health Analysis Areas that
include Sierra Vista, Bisbee, Douglas and Benson.

Three applications were considered in the Sierra Vista area, which
includes Huachuca City, according to the Arizona Department of Health
Service's lottery results.

Two of these applicants have filed a form with the City of Sierra
Vista that indicates they are located within the city limits.

The two applicants in Sierra Vista are:

* Advanced Organics, LLC, using a location at 1700 S. Hwy 92,

* Arvin Saloum, using a location at 1723 S. Hwy 92, according to
documents on file with the city.

Saloum told the Herald/Review that he was not awarded a certificate in
the lottery, which leaves two other possible awardees, one of which is
based within the Sierra Vista city limits.

A conditional use permit would not be required for a dispensary
located within Sierra Vista, based on the zoning specifications passed
by the city council regarding medical marijuana facilities.

There were no special use permits issued by Cochise County for the
health analysis areas surrounding Sierra Vista, Douglas or Bisbee.
Approval of a zoning special use permit is required to pursue a
dispensary certificate, according to county planning and zoning staff.
There was a special use permit issued for an applicant in the Dragoon

No applications from the Tombstone area were entered in the lottery.
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MAP posted-by: Matt