Pubdate: Thu, 30 Aug 2012
Source: Rotorua Daily Post (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2012 Rotorua Daily Post.
Author: Teuila Fuatai


The prevalence of cannabis is a major problem for youth in Rotorua 
and the surrounding Lakes District, a Rotorua community service worker warns.

"There have always been a lot of rangatahi [youth] who have smoked 
cannabis," Linda Gibson of Te Utuhina Manaakitanga Trust told The Daily Post.

"But it's a mixed bag - cannabis is just about as prevalent as 
alcohol around here."

Many young people involved with the trust had been adversely affected 
by both drugs, Ms Gibson said.

"A lot of people come in here ... and it's affected their 
relationships, their work and their families."

The comments follow new research linking ongoing cannabis use before 
the age of 18 to a decline in intelligence.

Mr Gibson said the findings were especially concerning for those 
working with at-risk youth exposed to drugs.

The report, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of 
Sciences, analysed more than 1000 New Zealanders.

It found those who started smoking cannabis during adolescence, and 
were diagnosed as being addicted by age 38, experienced an average 
decline in IQ of eight points from the age of 13.

Those who began smoking after age 18 - and after their brains had 
developed fully - did not show a similar decline. The Secondary 
Principals Association says cannabis use among young people and its 
effect on learning is an increasing concern for schools.

"Since the introduction of zero tolerance for drivers [under 20] - 
who are not allowed to drink any alcohol at all - we've noticed that 
some students ... or teenagers are switching to the use of cannabis 
because that's not detected," association president Patrick Walsh said.

Schools were struggling to address the problem of cannabis use by 
students - who often experienced short-term memory loss and lacked 
motivation once they started using.

"We have reports where students take up the marijuana habit at the 
age of 12 or 13.

"It certainly affects their learning."

According to the United Nations, New Zealanders have the highest 
rates of cannabis use in the world.

Some schools already carry out random sniffer dog testing for drugs.

But Mr Walsh said if young people were switching to cannabis because 
it could not be detected during roadside breath testing, "then I 
think drug testing needs to be seriously considered".

Social Development Minister Paula Bennett announced compulsory drug 
testing for beneficiaries earlier this week. Under the scheme, which 
will take effect next July, beneficiaries who fail or refuse drug 
testing when applying for jobs will have their welfare payments stopped.

They will also have to reimburse the cost of the drug test.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom