Pubdate: Tue, 02 Oct 2012
Source: Day, The (New London,CT)
Copyright: 2012 The Day Publishing Co.
Author: Judy Benson


But Distribution System Still Needs to Be Worked Out

Connecticut on Monday became the 17th state to legalize marijuana for
medical use, but patients with any of the 11 conditions allowed to use
it under the new law won't get state-sanctioned access to the drug for
at least several more months.

William Rubenstein, commissioner of the state Department of Consumer
Protection, said Monday that a system for supply and distribution
won't be set up until sometime next year.

"It's an enormously complicated task," he said. "The law was signed
May 31, and we're still doing our due diligence to make sure we have a
system to supply a safe product that's free from theft and diversion
and abuse."

In setting up the system for Connecticut, he said, the department is
taking lessons from the other states with medical marijuana laws about
what works and what doesn't.

"No one wants us to be like California," he said, referring to what
many consider a poorly regulated distribution system there that makes
the drug too easily available and subject to abuse.

A full set of regulations for Connecticut's supply and distribution
system will be prepared for consideration by the state Legislature's
Regulations Review Committee by July, Rubenstein said. The public will
have a chance to comment on proposed regulations at a public hearing
before then.

"Connecticut's law has been called the most restrictive in the
country, but I prefer to call it the best designed," he said.

Under the law, patients with AIDS, glaucoma, Parkinson's disease,
multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and six other conditions will be able to
access a one-month supply provided they meet a set of conditions
designed to keep tight controls on the product. Their doctor must
first register the patient with Consumer Protection, certifying that
they have been diagnosed with one of the illnesses and that they would
benefit from using medical marijuana, and then the patient must
complete the registration with a photo, identification and other
information. Use of medical marijuana is prohibited in vehicles,
workplaces, schools, dormitories and all public places, and in the
presence of anyone under age 18.

Rubenstein said a temporary registration system for doctors and
patients has been set up on Consumer Protection's website. Anyone on
the temporary list would be allowed to possess marijuana they obtain
on their own while the department establishes the official supply and
distribution system, he said.

He advised anyone with one of the 11 conditions who believes they
would benefit from using medical marijuana to see their doctor.

"They should make an appointment with their physician to discuss the
appropriateness of medical marijuana for their situation," he said.

Under the law, all marijuana sold for medical purposes must be grown
in Connecticut in indoor, secure facilities, and only 10 producers
will licensed. A network of standalone pharmacists will distribute the
marijuana, which would be available in the commonly known smokable
form, as well as in forms that many consider more suitable for medical
uses. These can include products that can be inhaled in a vaporizer,
edible products and tinctures that can be applied under the tongue or
other ways, Rubenstein said. Department staff, he said, are talking to
pharmacists and representatives of the medical marijuana industry
about how best to create a supply and distribution system in

Matt Simon, legislative analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project, a
Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group, said it is unclear whether
Connecticut's highly restrictive law will be workable.

"Connecticut is trying to make sure the dispensing operations are done
in a professional manner, but it remains to be seen whether it will be
too onerous," he said.

The biggest challenge, he said, may be in attracting producers. Maine,
he said, provides one example of a state that appears to have
successfully set up a workable system of eight dispensaries that are
run "like a health care facility," Simon said.

Carol Jones, director of medical case management at the Alliance for
Living, which serves those with AIDS and HIV in New London County,
said the organization is hopeful that state officials will keep the
needs of patients in mind as they write the regulations.

"We at Alliance for Living certainly hope that all of our clients have
access to any medication that is approved to treat their disease or
side effects of the disease," she said. "Now that medical marijuana is
legal, should our clients need that we certainly are in favor of them
having access to whatever medication they may need."

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