Pubdate: Thu, 04 Oct 2012
Source: Seattle Times (WA)
Copyright: 2012 The Seattle Times Company
Author: Kyung M. Song


WASHINGTON - Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Michael Baumgartner on 
Wednesday endorsed Initiative 502 to legalize retail sales of pot, 
calling the war on the illicit drug a matter of national security.

The freshman state senator, who is challenging Democrat Maria 
Cantwell, worked several years ago for a State Department program in 
Afghanistan to help farmers grow wheat instead of opium poppies.

He said his experience in Helmand province - and watching the 
U.S.-funded efforts to eradicate Mexican drug cartels - convinced him 
criminalizing marijuana for adults only enriches traffickers and 
takes law enforcement efforts from pursuing organized crime.

It was eight months ago that the Legislature decided to leave it up 
to voters whether to legalize and tax the sale of pot to those 21 and 
over. Baumgartner said he waited until now to endorse the initiative 
in part to see how it would propose to guard against minors buying 
pot and other issues.

Asked for Cantwell's position, spokesman Kelly Steele emailed this: 
"While I remain a strong supporter of our state's medicinal marijuana 
laws, I don't believe it should be legalized for recreational 
purposes based on concerns expressed by law enforcement and the 
current drafting of the initiative. Whatever the result, I will honor 
the will of the voters' decision in November."

Both gubernatorial candidates, Democrat Jay Inslee and Republican Rob 
McKenna, also oppose the initiative.
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