Pubdate: Sat, 06 Oct 2012 Source: Record Searchlight (Redding, CA) Copyright: 2012 Record Searchlight Contact: Details: AUTHORITIES CITE 'EXCESSIVE' NUMBERS OF PLANTS WHEN RAIDING MEDICAL MARIJUANA GARDENS Authorities around California have been raiding medical marijuana gardens on private lands, saying the "excessive" size of the grows show they're not medicinal. Investigators say the use of smaller, private illegal gardens are growing here in the north state, too. "It's probably quadrupled in the last two years," said Sgt. Barry Powell, head of the Shasta County Marijuana Investigative Team. He said it's also posing problems for investigators, who have to spend much more time to bust much smaller grows. Even some medical marijuana growers in Shasta County say the size of the gardens does seem excessive, but remain divided on the tenuous relationship with local law enforcement. In September, deputies in Trinity, Shasta and Butte counties raided multiple gardens where growers claimed protection under Proposition 215, which amended California's Constitution to allow individuals to use marijuana to treat maladies if they have a doctor's recommendation. In each case, local authorities said the size of the grows, 368 plants at one Shasta County site, was excessive, allowing them to seize the property. "Say a subject can use 10 ounces of marijuana a year, and he's growing 99 plants, and his plants could yield two to four pounds," he said. "What happens with the remaining pounds? Cause those 99 plants will yield, with a two pound average... 200 pounds." That's because the size of the grows, along with other factors, indicate the growers plan to sell the pot for cash illegally, either in California or elsewhere, Powell said. Those arrested in Shasta and Trinity counties were arrested on suspicion of cultivating and possessing marijuana for sale, authorities said. "All were cultivating under the guise of (Prop.) 215, which we determined during our interviews, during our investigation, were illegal," he said. One suspected grower, Ruben Gonzalez, 23, had 214 plants for himself, Powell said. Though California courts have ruled the government can't set limits on medical marijuana, Powell said the evidence shows these illegal growers intended to sell the pot illegally here or in other states. That pushes the illegal growers out of Prop. 215's protection, Powell said. The size of the grows are suspicious and likely indicate illegal grows, said Rick Levin, who was one of the first to successfully defend his grow under Proposition 215 in Shasta County. Levin, who grows marijuana to help with back pain, said most gardens don't have more than 99 plants because doing so would push the case into federal courts and carry stiffer sentences. He said one friend's grow involves nine people and only 56 plants. Smaller gardens are also easier to tend, making them produce better quality medical marijuana, he said. Rene Ward, a grower and manager of the 530 Collective in Shasta Lake, also said the grow seemed excessive for a medical marijuana. Levin, however, cautioned that other aspects cited by Powell don't necessarily add up to a criminal enterprise. Those other factors include the presence of guns, additional illegal drugs, and cash, said sheriff's investigators in Trinity County. There, sheriff's investigators worked with the Drug Enforcement Administration to raid six grow sites in September. All 14 growers claimed a Prop. 215 defense for the 406 plants and more than 150 pounds of processed marijuana seized. Investigators said they found four firearms, $180,000 and peyote at the sites. Levin said many people in the north state own guns, and he's known several people who keep money stored in a safe. "I've been a gun collector since I was 21 years old," Levin said. "I have a pension, income; I own my home. I meet the criteria." However, he said he generally grows around nine plants for himself and a disabled friend. Powell said Shasta County investigators raided another garden in Seaman Gulch on Sept. 24 were the suspected growers ran from investigators, he said. During raids conducted the last week of September, investigators also found firearms possessed by felons, Powell said. Powell said many of the alleged illegal growers move into California during the summer months and ship the pot to other states. Some are involved with cartels, he said "There's a way that we determine if it's for personal use or for sales," Powell said. But determining that on private land is much more difficult, Powell said. Grows on public land are flatly illegal -- but on private lands, investigators have to track down each person who has posted a recommendation at the site, interview them and verify their recommendations, along with the number of plants the doctor suggests, he said. In addition, the smaller grows -- sometimes about 10 percent the size of the larger gardens on public land -- are more numerous. "We've received probably hundreds to thousands of tips on citizens calling in suspicious activity. We just don't have the resources to investigate every one," he said. "I can probably get to only two percent of the tips." Ward said deputies in Shasta Lake generally only show up for ordinance violations and are courteous. That includes a deputy who cited her medical marijuana grow for an alleged improperly locked gate. "He said, 'You know, this is new, I'm not 100 percent familiar with this, but here's how I interpret it," she said. Levin, however, said growers should always stand up for their rights when it comes to protecting gardens from law enforcement interference. "We forgot what our bill of rights is," Levin said. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom