Pubdate: Sat, 13 Oct 2012
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2012 The Boston Herald, Inc
Note: Prints only very short LTEs.
Author: Peter Hayashi
Note: Peter Hayashi, a resident of Newton, represents the Committee 
for Compassionate Medicine.

Question 3 Lights Up Medical Pot Debate


As a clinical psychologist and a parent concerned about youth drug 
abuse, I was initially skeptical about claims to marijuana having 
medicinal properties. It was not until I experienced a traumatic 
injury resulting in debilitating nerve damage that I realized 
marijuana could be uniquely beneficial to patients.

I worked at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and was a faculty 
member at Harvard Medical School in 2000, before suffering a 
devastating injury that left me in severe and constant pain. I 
developed allodynia, a condition in which pain is caused by 
sensations such as light touch and changes in temperature. The area 
of sensitivity has increased to encompass my entire right side. Now a 
gentle breeze across my face is deeply painful; air-conditioning 
burns; and sitting is often impossible. I spend most days lying in a 
waterbed on my left side. I wear multiple layers of stretch clothing 
covering as much of my right side as possible including a glove, 
socks, and a cap at all times. My Harvard uniform of an oxford shirt, 
bow tie and khakis is no longer.

I had access to the best Harvard doctors and researchers, and I used 
both mainstream and nontraditional approaches, but nothing could 
sufficiently control my unbearable pain. I was reluctant to try 
marijuana as medicine, because it is illegal and I did not want to 
bring it into my home. However, I was surprised to find after doing 
my own research how safe and effective marijuana has proven to be for 
conditions such as nausea, muscle spasticity, inflammation, and pain.

Although medical marijuana does not completely eliminate my pain, it 
helps me manage it greatly and improves my quality of life. I was 
able to attend my first open house at my son's school and now I am 
able to spend quality time with my daughter when she comes home from 
college on the weekends.

My wife supports me using marijuana, because it allows me to be a 
better father. I sat my kids down and explained to them the 
difference between medicinal and recreational use of marijuana, and 
they understand why I would not approve of them or their peers using 
it. Like most patients I do not smoke marijuana, I vaporize it, which 
eliminates the carcinogens.

I wouldn't support Question 3 if it did not include rigorous 
regulations to prevent abuse of the system. There will be a maximum 
of 35 treatment centers in the state, with no more than five 
treatment centers in any one county. Only patients with a written 
recommendation from a doctor with whom they have a bona-fide 
patient-physician relationship will be allowed to receive medical 
marijuana. There will also be a centralized database in order to 
track all patients who receive recommendations and those doctors that 
write them. The measure adds a new felony for fraudulent use of the 
program. This works to ensure that doctors do not write illegitimate 
recommendations and prevents diversion of medical marijuana to 
recreational users.

AIDS and cancer support groups, along with patient advocacy groups, 
favor safe access to medical marijuana for patients with a doctor's 
recommendation. For the sake of suffering patients across the 
commonwealth I hope voters will too.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom