Pubdate: Sun, 21 Oct 2012
Source: Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA)
Copyright: 2012 The Spokesman-Review
Author: Alan Zeuge


If Initiative 502 to legalize marijuana is approved, Washington will
become one of the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational
use. There are many reasons this is a bad idea. Legalization will lead
to increased use by youth because of easier availability, and from
observing the behavior of adults.

Marijuana is an illegal Schedule 1 drug. It will remain illegal at the
federal level regardless of what the state determines. This will make
the state out of compliance with federal law. This may result in
funding sanctions.

I-502 will not result in increased revenue to the state. There will be
societal costs to address the harmful effects of increased marijuana
use as well as costs to administer and regulate the program. We know
that alcohol, a legal drug, costs society $10 for every $1 obtained
through taxation and fees. We will be looking at a similar scenario if
marijuana is legalized. We are just beginning to learn about
marijuana's harmful effects physically, socially and psychologically.

Please don't let Washington become a banner state for the marijuana
legalization movement. Vote to defeat I-502.

Alan Zeuge

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MAP posted-by: Matt