Pubdate: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 Source: North Shore Sunday (Beverly, MA) Copyright: 2012 GateHouse Media,sInc. Contact: Details: Author: Steven S. Epstein, Esq. Note: Attorney Steven S. Epstein of Georgetown is a founder of the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition and the coordinator of the Massachusetts Sixth Congressional District Cannabis Club that put this question on the ballot. He has written many letters and columns lauding liberty and cannabis. Author: Referenced: Referenced: Bookmark: (Massachusetts) SHOULD CONGRESS REPEAL MARIJUANA PROHIBITION? Georgetown - In 2010, a majority of voters in the 7th and 8th Essex House districts supported instructing their representative to vote in favor of legislation that would allow the state to regulate the taxation, cultivation and sale of marijuana to adults. This year voters in the 8th Essex House District, 22nd Middlesex House District and the First Essex and Middlesex Senate District, all within the 6th Congressional District, have the opportunity to express their support for the repeal of the federal prohibition of marijuana so that states may regulate it as they choose. The question is in support of HR 2306, "Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011," sponsored by Barney Frank and Ron Paul and 18 other members of the 112th Congress. The bill is the equivalent of the 21st Amendment that repealed alcohol prohibition, so that it would remain a federal crime to transport or import it into any state, territory or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein in violation of the laws thereof. While it rightly took an amendment of the Constitution to impose a federal prohibition of alcoholic beverages, many legal scholars believe the federal prohibition of marijuana is a usurpation as it violates the Commerce Clause and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the United States constitution. ("Adherance to Constitution will bring prosperity," Georgetown Record, June 28, 2011). Whether they agree on constitutional principles or view marijuana prohibition as "a luxury taxpayers can no longer afford" ("What's next for marijuana reform?" MetroWest Daily News, Jan. 7, 2010), national polls find a majority support ending it. Certainly the overwhelmingly support for decriminalizing an ounce or less of marijuana by the voters in 2008 proves that most of us know the thundering of opponents to marijuana law reform was and is without substance. A poll conducted last fall for the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition and NORML by DAPA Associates found 58 percent of Massachusetts voters support legalizing marijuana and regulating it in the same manner as other agricultural commodities with sales prohibited to underage persons. Voters in Colorado, Oregon and Washington vote this year on legalizing and regulating cannabis in their states. If they do can the federal marijuana prohibition stand much longer? The prohibition was the product of crony capitalists deceiving the public to hijack our legislatures to eliminate the competition posed by a plant valued for its nutritious seeds, strong fiber, medicinal and entheogenic ("generating the divine within") qualities from the dawn of agriculture. The feared competition came from the inner stalk that scientists discovered in the first third of the 20th century could be a green resource in the place of fossil carbons and trees. If the question is on your ballot please join me in sending a message from the privacy of the voting booth to whoever wins the seat for Congress and the rest of the state and nation that the time to repeal the prohibition that never should have been is now. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom