Pubdate: Sun, 28 Oct 2012
Source: Sacramento Bee (CA)
Copyright: 2012 The Sacramento Bee
Author: Alison Sterling Nichols
Note: Alison Sterling Nichols is an environmental and political 
consultant in Humboldt County, working with community leaders to 
reduce the environmental impacts of cannabis cultivation.


I was quoted in an article in The Bee last Sunday, "Medical 
marijuana: Pot farms hurting habitat," that could leave readers with 
serious misunderstandings about the environmental impacts of the 
Emerald Triangle's new "green rush."

Humboldt County is world-famous for producing high-quality cannabis. 
There are thousands of cannabis farms here. These farms exemplify a 
diverse spectrum of agriculture, ranging from industrial-scale grows 
to small cottage-industry farms.

Cultivation has increased since Proposition 215 gave a defense to 
patients who use medical cannabis and to growers who provide it. 
However, no one suggests that the enormous backcountry plantations, 
which are the source of many of the worst environmental harms, have 
anything to do with medical cannabis.

Contrary to the article, blaming environmental damage exclusively on 
medical cannabis cultivators is incorrect. It's the large-scale 
cultivators who grow without regard for toxins and water conservation 
who are harming the environment.

Unfortunately, the federal government exploits the evidence that 
large-scale cannabis cultivation causes real harms to support their 
efforts to target the most responsible growers.

By targeting conscientious medical growers and dispensaries, they are 
eliminating those who directly challenge their policies, even though 
they offer the best prospect of limiting environmental harms by 
creating a healthy market for environmentally friendly medical cannabis.

Growing cannabis is not itself an environmental crime. The issue is 
about how it is grown. Best management practices for any agricultural 
industry include water conservation, organic products, building soil 
and stewarding the land.

Additionally, large-scale "trespass grows" on our public lands employ 
destructive practices including banned pesticides, toxic rodenticides 
entering the food chain and killing wildlife, illegal water 
diversions, forest clearing, human waste and agricultural 
infrastructure left behind.

Not only is this sort of trespass grow illegal in any form, it is 
clearly far more environmentally damaging than the "medical" grows 
referred to in the article.

California has already established that patients deserve safe access 
to medical cannabis. Unfortunately, framing the environmental issue 
as exclusively a "medical cannabis issue" detracts from identifying 
real solutions and can also be seen as an attempt to de-legitimize 
the real need for medical cannabis for patients.

Let's stop pointing fingers at patients and caregivers. The 
environmental impacts of any industry are about scale and management 
practices. We will not limit environmental impacts by targeting those 
who are trying to follow what few rules exist.

By creating a regulatory framework of best management practices, we 
can integrate this agricultural industry into our society, thereby 
reducing environmental impacts while increasing economic opportunity. 
The more the federal government prohibits cultivation, whether 
medicinal or not, the less we can environmentally regulate it.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom