Pubdate: Thu, 01 Nov 2012
Source: Columbian, The (WA)
Copyright: 2012 The Columbian Publishing Co.
Author: Bruce R. Randall


Legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in the state of 
Washington (Initiative 502) will boost crime, create an additional 
tax burden and place those who travel and reside here in perennial 
personal peril. The users and/or victims could be our children or 
grandchildren, neighbors, co-workers and friends.

The supporters' public safety education argument is disputable when 
one considers the annual death toll in alcohol-related accidents on 
our roads and highways. Are we really that naive to think by 
legalizing marijuana, there would be no consequence? The growers, 
producers and sellers - those on the supply side - are salivating for 
the lucrative and morally criminal profits. Will these be made at our 
loved ones' expense?

The bloodsuckers, those state and city officials drooling over what 
they believe will be the "goose that laid the golden [tax revenue] 
egg," are crossing fingers that we will pass I-502. Legalizing 
recreational marijuana will not eradicate the safety, criminal or 
moral issues. We must defeat this initiative, if not for reasons of 
private and public greed, then certainly for our family's safety and 
well-being at home, in the community and on our highways. May 
Washington voters wake up and vote down I-502.

- - Bruce R. Randall

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom