Pubdate: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 Source: Daily Sentinel, The (Grand Junction, CO) Copyright: 2012 Cox Newspapers, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Craig Droskin AMENDMENT 64 COULD MAKE COLORADO LIKE AMSTERDAM After spending several weekends in Denver this summer, I was disappointed to see the proliferation of so-called "medical" marijuana shops. On "60 Minutes," Steve Kroft reported that there are more pot shops in Denver than McDonalds and Starbucks combined. In January, the federal government required that all pot shops must be at least 1,000 feet from any school. Has anybody thought about the fact that kids don't only hang out at schools? Most commercial streets are situated immediately in front of neighborhoods where, by the way, kids live and play. Fortunately, in Grand Junction we don't have a pot shop on every corner because we voted to ban medical marijuana dispensaries. We should say "No" again to Amendment 64. It could make Colorado the only state in the union to legalize pot for recreational use, attracting drug users from the entire country to our state. Try googling "Pot tourism in Amsterdam" and decide if this looks good for Colorado. Proponents claim our state will benefit from the tax revenues it will generate, but the Journal of Psychiatric Research reports that marijuana use impairs brain development in teens. Do we really want to sell the health and safety of our kids for a few tax dollars? The New York Times reports medical marijuana is already getting into the hands of our children. How much more available will it be if it's sold and regulated like alcohol? Just because something is profitable doesn't always mean that it's the right thing to do. Prostitution and stealing can be profitable, but that doesn't make them right for Colorado. CRAIG DROSKIN Grand Junction - --- MAP posted-by: Matt