Pubdate: Thu, 08 Nov 2012
Source: Mission City Record (CN BC)
Copyright: 2012 The Mission City Record
Author: John W. Conroy


Editor, The Record:

Re: Taking responsibility, Nov. 1 edition.

In my opinion it is letter-writer Robert T. Rock who is deceiving 
himself and failing to take responsibility for an approach - 
prohibition - that causes the very problems he refers to.

It doesn't matter whether the drug is a good drug or a bad drug as 
long as there is a demand. There are then two policy options: 
prohibition or regulation. Neither is a panacea.

Prohibition drives the market underground so there is no control over 
the quality of the product or the money made, and participants in the 
market resort to violence to resolve their disputes as they are 
precluded from using traditional peaceful means.

In a regulated market, the manufacturing and distribution of the drug 
are controlled by law and taxed and there are peaceful remedies for 
breaches between participants or the manufacturer and the consumer.

Alcohol remains our number one drug and no one suggests a return to 
prohibition of alcohol. We learned that that attempted cure was worse 
than the disease. Tobacco is number two and we have been quite 
successful using education and civil bylaws to reduce harms instead 
of the blunt instrument of the criminal law that only makes things worse.

Regulate and tax and bring the supply and demand under control of 
law, instead of leaving it out of control, and a gift to organized crime.

The courts are faced with the actual evidence and details of the 
problem on a daily basis, not a superficial armchair view based 
solely on media reports or other anecdotes.

Mr. Rock should stick to writing about something he knows something 
about, or at least do some current research before doing so (start 
with the 10-year old Senate Report by Conservative Senator Nolin) so 
as not perpetuate the deception that the policy of prohibition that 
has failed us for the last 100 years is now going to work.

The dealers are rubbing their hands with glee at the increased prices 
to the consumer that this week's introduction of mandatory minimum 
sentences for growing more than six marijuana plants will bring! Of 
course this diverts the money to organized crime tax-free, and leaves 
the legitimate taxpayers on the hook for increased costs of 
investigation by the police, processing by prosecutors and the 
courts, including defense counsel and ultimately prisons. The more 
you prohibit, the more business you create for the criminal justice 
system. It is a stupid and very costly approach driven by emotional 
gut reaction without logic or reason.

John W. Conroy QC

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