Pubdate: Thu, 08 Nov 2012
Source: Sacramento News & Review (CA)
Copyright: 2012 Chico Community Publishing, Inc.
Author: Ngaio Bealum


What's up with that new report about the FBI making a marijuana arrest
every 42 seconds?

- -Don't Arrest Me

Yup. And people wonder why we're paranoid.

The latest FBI report (read it at shows
that 81.8 percent of drug arrests are for possession only, and that
just less than half (49.5 percent) of all drug arrests are for marijuana.

This is ridiculous. But the good news is that marijuana arrests are
down compared to last year, as cities and states realize that
arresting people for pot doesn't stop people from using it. The
district attorney in Seattle won the election by promising not to
prosecute low-level marijuana cases, and Chicago has just passed a
cannabis-decriminalization ordinance.

But the cops are coming around. Retired Baltimore narcotics cop Neill
Franklin, who now heads the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition,
said, "Taxpayers are spending between $1.5 billion and $3 billion a
year just on the police and court time involved in making these
arrests. That's a lot of money to spend for a practice that four
decades of unsuccessful policies have proved does nothing to reduce
the consumption of drugs."

But we may have reached a tipping point, as more and more noncannabis
users realize that the "war on some drugs" is wasting tax money and
costing this fragile economy real jobs and tax revenue. Stay active.

Am I allowed to grow my plants in my apartment, or do I need special
permission from the manager?

- -Thinking About Growing

In the state of California, a letter of recommendation from your
doctor allows you to grow marijuana for your personal use. A few
plants in your closet probably won't bother anyone, but remember: Weed
is stinky! A bunch of pot plants in full bloom will stink up not just
your apartment, but most likely the whole hallway as well. Plus, you
will have to be extra careful of damaging the property, what with the
inevitable water and nutrient spills that take place.

How well do you know your apartment manager? You could ask them for
permission, but they may not be very keen on the idea. This may be one
of those it's-easier-to-ask-for-forgiveness-than-permission type deals.

Your best bet may be to get an indoor grow box. These self-contained
systems minimize odor and mess and can usually fit in a large closet
or a corner of your room. SuperCloset ( makes
good, albeit expensive ones. CollegeGrowBox (
is another option.

Hey, what's a really good hiding place for pot in a modern

- -Canna Concealer

Mid-century modern? Or McMansion modern? I think the real question is:
Why should you hide your weed? Do you hide your booze? Stop shaming
your weed!

Get a nice cigar box, place your pot inside and put it right on your
coffee table. That way, when your friends come to visit, you can offer
them a beer or a blunt. Be civilized, for crying out loud. Only you
can prevent weed shaming. Be proud of your cannabis-using ways.
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MAP posted-by: Matt