Pubdate: Thu, 08 Nov 2012
Source: Nanaimo Daily News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2012 Nanaimo Daily News
Author: Krista Bryce


Advocates buoyed by U.S. vote

Marijuana use should be a health issue, not a legal issue, says a
Nanaimo doctor and addictions expert.

Voters in Washington and Colorado passed ballot initiatives Tuesday to
legalize marijuana for recreational use. It legalizes possession of up
to one ounce of marijuana for anyone over 21 and farmers can be issued
state licences to grow it and sell products in standalone stores.

Nanaimo residents who support the legalization of marijuana hope this
decision will have ramifications across the border, boosting the bid
to legalize the drug in Canada.

Richard Payne of Nanaimo has called on provincial and federal
politicians to endorse legalizing, taxing and regulating marijuana for
seven years.

Not only would it "stop the persecution of the nice, pot-smoking
hippies," but it could create a boost for Nanaimo's tourism industry.

Nanaimo mayor John Ruttan has said he does not support the
decriminalization of marijuana because of its addictive and harmful

But supporters claim if the criminal aspect was taken away the focus
could shift to the "bigger picture" - the health issues surrounding
the use of the drug.

Three-quarters of B.C. residents support the taxed sale of cannabis to
adults, similar to alcohol and tobacco, according to an Angus Reid
poll commissioned by Stop the Violence B.C., a pro-legalization group.

Of almost 800 people polled, 75 per cent said they would choose
government regulation and taxation of the drug over maintaining pot's
outlaw status. Last year, 64 per cent supported legalization.

Dr. Paul Hasselback, a public health physician, said there needs to be
a change in Canada's policy around the use of cannabis. He compares
cannabis to tobacco and alcohol, "which are all substances that have
health impacts."

Studies on health issues and cannabis use are limited, but Hasselback
says the health effects of marijuana fall somewhere around the same
range as alcohol use, but are probably better than the hazards of
tobacco use.

"The position the public health community is taking is the harms
caused by criminalization are currently worse than the harms caused by
the use of cannabis."

As part of the federal government's Safe Streets and Communities Act,
introduced in March 2012, trafficking marijuana in Canada carries a
minimum sentence of one year. Possession for the purpose of
trafficking also carries the same minimum sentence.

Prices for marijuana have dropped two-thirds from the prices seen in
2009, which has slowed peoples' desire to grow pot, according to Payne.

Buying a pound of pot, in bulk, costs $700 compared to a high of
roughly $2,000 seen only a couple years ago.

Payne is encouraged that posi-ive change is finally

"We know when the States sneezes, Canada catches cold," said

"The only reason Canada hasn't legalized it is because of pressure
from the United States. If the U.S. legalizes it, Canada will follow
for sure."

France Tellier, director of programs for the John Howard Society,
supports the legalization of marijuana, but said there still needs to
be concern about the health issues drugs create, including "legal
drugs" like cigarettes and alcohol.

"Legalizing it doesn't solve the problem of addiction," said Tellier.
"But when we quit transporting and making a lot of money on the
illegal sale of these items, then as a society we benefit."

Tali Campbell, a Grade 12 John Barsby Community School student, would
never endorse the use of marijuana. But he would like to see Canada
decriminalize the drug and take control of the multibillion-dollar

"I don't support smoking marijuana, just like I don't support smoking
cigarettes," said Campbell. "It's not good for your body. But legalize
it, tax it and regulate it and maybe the money made from it can be
used for prevention programs for youth or anyone, for that matter."
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