Pubdate: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 Source: Baltimore Sun (MD) Copyright: 2012 The Baltimore Sun Company Contact: Details: Author: Richard B. Stofberg HOW THE PUBLIC CAN PROTEST OUR INSANE POLICY ON POT I couldn't agree more with Dan Rodricks' recent column on marijuana policy ("The nonsense of marijuana busts shown," Nov. 11). It should be apparent to all except those with a vested interest in keeping marijuana banned that our entire "war on drugs," and especially the nation's marijuana policy, has utterly failed. It has failed for the same reason the ban on alcohol failed during Prohibition - there simply is so much demand for marijuana that no amount of tax dollars can stop the supply. Perhaps we should ask why we allow our government to waste our money fighting something whose negative social impact is far less than that of alcohol. Yes, the same tired "experts" continue telling us it is a gateway drug, simply because most people who use harder drugs tried pot first. More than 100 million Americans have tried marijuana, and the vast majority have never moved on to becoming addicted to harder drugs. Yet our government classifies marijuana in the very highest schedule of controlled substances that have no medical use . By doing so, the government not only rejects the overwhelming evidence showing marijuana's benefits for those who suffer a variety of chronic conditions, it has also convinced young people to distrust the government more generally with respect to drug policy. Why would anyone believe any institution that tells them that marijuana is as dangerous as heroin? Since politicians are always the last to change course due to their fear of being labeled "soft on drugs," the public can do something right now through the process known as jury nullification: If called to serve on a jury, simply refuse to convict anyone charged with marijuana possession. It may not be the best answer, but at least it is a start toward regaining our collective sanity. Richard B. Stofberg, Baltimore - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom