Pubdate: Sat, 17 Nov 2012
Source: Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, CO)
Copyright: 2012 The Gazette
Author: Ryan Seay


Where is the wisdom?

This possibly was the most important election America has seen for 
many years. With Amendment 64 on our ballot, the citizens of Colorado 
made a crucial decision. Colorado decided that it would be the first 
state to legalize marijuana with Amendment 64.

Through this amendment, citizens over the age of 21 are allowed to 
own and use an ounce of marijuana. This may not sound like much, but 
from only one ounce, you can produce between 50-60 joints. That is a 
lot of pot. If you decide to utilize this new right, there is 
significant danger, because the making of marijuana is not regulated 
or inspected by the FDA to ensure quality. This means that marijuana 
growers do not have to make quality products. This could pose some 
serious problems for people who smoke marijuana.

In my opinion, I honestly have no idea why this amendment passed. Do 
we not know the dangers of marijuana? Does Colorado not understand 
that there may now be drivers not only under the influence of 
alcohol, but also under the influence of marijuana? Where is the 
wisdom in this decision?

Are we so caught up in protecting our "rights" that we will legalize 
something that will put us and our children in danger?

I fail to see the good in a drug that ruins our minds, our 
respiratory systems and, most importantly, ruins lives?

Ryan Seay

Colorado Springs
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