Pubdate: Sat, 24 Nov 2012
Source: Dallas Morning News (TX)
Copyright: 2012 The Dallas Morning News, Inc.
Author: Alfredo Corchado
Page: 17A


Violence Overshadows Neighbor's Economic Growth, Other Assets

More Americans have a negative opinion of Mexico than of Russia, and 
drug violence is the main reason, according to a U.S. national poll.

The poll, conducted by Texas-based Vianovo consultants and GSD&M 
advertising, found that 50 percent of Americans see Mexico 
unfavorably. In comparison, Russia, a longtime U.S. adversary, is 
viewed negatively by 39 percent.

In addition, the poll found that only 17 percent of Americans view 
Mexico's economy as modern, and 7 in 10 say Mexico is unsafe for travel.

Blame the negative perception on Mexico's violence, with 72 percent 
saying the country's drug war taints their view of Mexico.

When asked to give three words that come to mind when they think 
about Mexico, almost half of respondents mentioned "drugs," according 
to Vianovo.

The findings were released this week, just days before Enrique Pena 
Nieto is inaugurated as the president of Mexico. The nation has lost 
more than 60,000 people to drug violence since 2006 but is now 
showing signs of stabilizing in places such as Ciudad Juarez, the 
border city that was once one of the bloodiest in the hemisphere.

Pena Nieto has vowed to continue strengthening Mexico's rule of law, 
whose weakness has exposed vast vulnerabilities across Mexico against 
organized crime.

The poll provides the new president with a "historical benchmark," 
said James Taylor, a founding member of Vianovo.

"Pena Nieto inherits the reins of a country with a poor image and 
reputation and an opportunity to move forward."

Taylor and others said the story of Mexico's resurgent economy, whose 
gross domestic product increased by 3.9 percent in 2010 and 5.5 
percent in 2011, has been "undertold, if not completely ignored."

The poll found that 59 percent of Americans see Mexico as a sources 
of problems for the U.S., while 14 percent see the country as a good 
partner and neighbor.

Shannon O'Neil, a Latin America expert at the New York-based Council 
on Foreign Relations and an adviser on the poll's questionnaire, also 
said the poll carries a silver lining for Mexico's incoming 
administration because "the number of people who have no opinion 
either way provides the new government an opportunity to better 
educate Americans about Mexico."

Pena Nieto, who will meet Tuesday with President Barack Obama at the 
White House, will be inaugurated Dec. 1.

"When you have a change in administration, it's a good opportunity to 
hit reset on the story that's being told and to try and base it on 
the realities of today, not simply the perception that has been 
driven by the drug and violence stories of the last five to six 
years," said Tony Garza, former U.S ambassador to Mexico and now 
counsel to White & Case in Mexico City.

Garza said Pena Nieto should "focus on the realities of today's 
Mexico and his own commitment to reform, political transparency and security."

The poll was conducted in October via the online company YouGov with 
1,000 U.S. adults nationwide. The margin of error is 3.9 percentage points.

The poll results varied less by region than by political ideology, 
with a high number - almost 80 percent - of self-described 
conservatives viewing Mexico as a source of ills.

Taylor said he hopes the findings will lead to a change in tone among 
politicians from Washington to Austin. The majority of U.S. Latinos - 
more than 60 percent - are of Mexican descent.

The poll showed a high level of familiarity with Mexico. About half 
of respondents said they had visited Mexico at least once, and more 
than a third - 36 percent - said they knew a friend, relative or 
colleague from Mexico now living in the United States.

Such findings show "great opportunity to build the Mexico brand in 
the U.S.," said Duff Stewart, GSD&M's CEO.

"Mexico has many positive economic and cultural stories to tell. But 
changing perceptions will take a concerted effort in both the U.S. and Mexico."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom