Pubdate: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2012 Times Colonist Contact: Website: Details: Author: R.W. Dresser MARIJUANA REVENUES COULD EASE POVERTY Re: "B.C.'s poverty rate ranks 2nd worst in nation, report says," Nov. 22. Let's kill a whole flock of birds with just one stone. B.C.'s child-poverty problem is disgraceful. Money is urgently needed to begin remedying this unacceptable situation. Yet the government is already cash-strapped, or so we're told. The Times Colonist recently reported that British Columbians buy an estimated half-billion dollars worth of marijuana annually. That is a half-billion dollars of untaxed economic activity. The province doesn't collect sales and excise tax on the end-user transactions. It doesn't collect business taxes nor does it receive any of the income tax that ought to be paid by producers and their employees. Instead, these tax scofflaws use those unremitted revenues to purchase other consumables brought into the province, including guns, heroin, cocaine and meth. Why don't we do what Colorado and Washington state have done and, since then, five other states are proposing to do. Why don't we stop criminalizing our kids and get this unstoppable product brought into the open where it can be regulated and taxed? Then we could take the sales taxes, the excise taxes and the associated business taxes and put together a handy fund to direct to the problem of child poverty. We might not want marijuana and child poverty linked directly, but government is very skilled at laundering money for political cover, so we can leave that matter to them. So, let's do what the people of Colorado and Washington have just done; let's grow up. R.W. Dresser Parksville - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom