Pubdate: Thu, 22 Nov 2012
Source: Michigan Citizen (Detroit, MI)
Copyright: 2012 Michigan Citizen
Author: Lauren Gibbons


LANSING -- Supporters of marijuana decriminalization proposals passed 
in five Michigan cities say the move is a symbolic step toward better 
regulation, but residents still might want to wait before lighting 
up, according to law enforcement officials.

Ballot proposals expanding legal marijuana use beyond current state 
and federal laws earned voter approval by wide margins Nov. 6 in 
Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Ypsilanti.

Voters in Detroit and Flint supported decriminalization of less than 
one ounce of marijuana for those older than 21 and 19, respectively.

Grand Rapids voted to make marijuana possession a civil infraction, 
Ypsilanti determined marijuana possession to be the city's "lowest 
police priority," and Kalamazoo received voter authorization to 
construct up to three medical marijuana dispensaries within city limits.

State law currently provides for a fine of up to $2,000 and potential 
prison time for those convicted of marijuana possession.

The timing and structure of the proposals across all five cities was 
no accident, said Tim Beck, one of the organizers behind Detroit's 
ballot proposal.

By having more lenient marijuana decriminalization laws passed in a 
wide variety of cities, Beck said it's harder for those opposed to 
marijuana reform to argue certain areas or demographics are the only 
supporters of decriminalization.

"It's easy for some people to write off Detroit as a special basket 
case, but they can't really say that about Grand Rapids," Beck said. 
"These proposals are wins in a lot of different, big demographic segments."

Meanwhile, voters in Washington and Colorado passed ballot 
initiatives legalizing marijuana for recreational use. A movement to 
put a similar proposal before Michigan voters failed to gain enough 
signatures for this year's ballot.

Statewide, Michigan already has legalized marijuana use for medical 
purposes when administered by a licensed caregiver, but it prohibits 
dispensaries from selling the drug, based on a Court of Appeals decision.

National and statewide law enforcement agencies oppose such measures, 
reminding the public that state and local laws haven't changed the 
federal ban on all marijuana uses.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration reiterated the position that 
its enforcement of the federal ban continues and that the Department 
of Justice is reviewing all ballot initiatives regarding marijuana.

Col. Kriste Etue, director of the State Police, said her department 
has struggled to keep marijuana use in check since voters authorized 
medical marijuana use in 2008. She said the five latest local 
proposals could only complicate an already difficult legal issue in 
the affected cities.

"It has really been a struggle for law enforcement to make sure 
people are using marijuana for true medical reasons," Etue said. The 
city decriminalization laws "will have an impact on every community, 
and it does present a lot of challenges for law enforcement now."

In some of the cities, local law enforcement agencies don't have 
major policy upheavals based on election results on the horizon, 
leaving residents vulnerable to criminal charges under state law.

Flint police Capt. T.P. Johnson said the Flint Police Department 
generally bases its enforcement practices on state law, and any 
changes to current practice regarding touchy legal issues such as 
marijuana possession would have to be discussed with the city 
attorney and other city officials.

"We haven't had any change in our policies just yet," Johnson said.

Even if the measures end up being more symbolic than substantial, 
Beck said the importance of getting all five proposals passed likely 
won't be lost.

"To some degree, they are symbolic, but the results are a dramatic 
indicator of where the public really stands here," Beck said. "That 
is the overriding message."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom