Pubdate: Wed, 28 Nov 2012
Source: Toronto Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2012 The Toronto Star
Author: Bruce DeMara


Smoking rates are levelling off in Ontario as prescription drug abuse 
rates have dropped, but it's not all good news in the latest survey 
by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: reports of people 
driving after smoking pot are on the rise.

There's good news and bad news in the survey, taken throughout 2011, 
of 3,039 adults from across Ontario. It has been undertaken annually 
since 1999.

"Overall, the data are painting a fairly healthy picture of the 
Ontario health population. Most of us, based on these findings, do 
not have substance related issues or aren't dealing with serious 
mental health concerns. That's a positive finding," said Dr. Robert 
Mann, senior scientist and lead researcher at the centre.

Among the results:

* 81 per cent of Ontario residents reported drinking alcohol in the 
previous year, though the majority would not be considered excessive drinkers.

Within those numbers, the survey found that among women, 6 per cent 
reported drinking daily, compared to 3 per cent in 1998. The number 
of women drinking "in ways that were hazardous or harmful" rose to 8 
per cent from 5 per cent in 1998.

"That (number) has almost doubled over the past decade so that's a 
concern, that women are drinking more in a hazardous way than they 
were a decade ago," Mann noted.

* Smoking rates across the province, which have been declining 
steadily in recent years, have levelled off at about 15 per cent. 
That's around 1.4 million people.

* Nonmedicinal use of opioids - such as Oxycodone - dropped from 8 
per cent in 2010 to 4 per cent in 2011.

Mann noted the province has introduced a narcotics strategy, which 
has helped raise public awareness of the dangers of opioid dependency.

"Just because they're prescription drugs, it doesn't mean they're not 
dangerous. They're very strong, addictive drugs. So I think this is a 
very positive finding to see the non-medical use of these drugs has 
declined by 50 per cent over the course of a year," Mann said.

* Seventeen per cent of adults reported living with "elevated 
psychological distress," with the highest rates among people aged 18 to 29.

* Seven per cent of those surveyed use anxiety medication, and 7 per 
cent reported taking medication for depression. The highest use is in 
the 40 to 49 age group.

* At a time when a solid majority of Canadians - 66 per cent - 
support legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana use, the number of 
18- to 29-year-olds surveyed who reported driving within an hour of 
smoking marijuana was 9 per cent, compared to 6 per cent of those who 
reported driving after having two or more alcoholic drinks.

"The long-term story for drinking and driving is a good news story 
because we've seen substantial declines in rates of drinking and 
driving, particularly among young people. They've got this message 
that this is a dangerous behaviour," Mann said.

"It's surprising to see that driving after cannabis use is elevated. 
There's some suggestion that people think that driving after cannabis 
use is safer or is relatively risk-free. That could be a dangerous 
assumption and there's increasing evidence that it increases your 
risks in the same way as drinking and driving," he added.

* Among marijuana users, 16 per cent were 50 or older, a rate five 
times higher than in 1977 and an indication that the habit has staying power.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom