Pubdate: Fri, 30 Nov 2012
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2012 Winnipeg Free Press
Page: A6


After an Angus Reid public opinion poll released Thursday showed a 
majority of people in Canada (57 per cent) believe cannabis should be 
legal, the Free Press asked readers for opinions. Here are excerpts:

War on drugs going to pot

The only decision? Who do you want to make the money? If you agree 
criminal organizations should make the money then keep marijuana 
illegal. If you think that the government should make the money 
through taxation and distribution, then legalize it and sell it as 
liquor is sold. -- Scott G. Miner

Traffic cops need to be able to determine if drivers are over the 
"legal limit" for marijuana. Until there is testing technology 
similar to breathalyzers for alcohol, marijuana cannot be legalized. 
- -- Trevor Jaworski

I'm of the opinion that criminal prosecution of users and those who 
grow an intoxicant for their own or social use is a waste of public 
funds, the police and the courts. It's akin to jailing a home brewer 
or winemaker. -- Michelle Paquette

If the government sold it like tobacco and alcohol, we wouldn't have 
to worry about marijuana being laced. As a parent, I would be scared 
if my future teenage daughter smoked laced weed. Pretty sure 
government doesn't sell laced alcohol or tobacco. -- Sylvanna Monias

NO to legalized pot -- I have no problem with its use for medicinal 
purposes (cancer patients) but have a major concern with general 
public use. As a former police officer, you have a hard time 
detecting liquor impairment but at least with tools like the Alert 
unit, etc., it can be done. With grass, there is no way to detect 
impairment. You are not born with it in your system, you certainly do 
not need to take it to survive. -- Robert Lechow

I personally witnessed it easing the extreme suffering of a 
cancer-patient friend. I suffer from advanced arthritis and several 
other painful ailments which I have found eased and much easier to 
manage after trying marijuana. I asked my doctor to help me get a 
medical marijuana licence to lower my intake of liver-harming 
painkillers, and he told me he would "throw my licence in the garbage 
before prescribing marijuana." Legalizing marijuana is the only way I 
could access it without being branded a "criminal", "pothead" 
"druggie" etc. -- Clarence Davis

Legalizing marijuana would do more good for our society and economy 
than harm, but I worry about two things: 1) How would you police 
people driving while high?; 2) Criminal gangs who currently survive 
off its profits are going to push harder, more addicting drugs or 
find other illegal ways to keep up their profits and power structure. 
- -- Donovan Yaciuk

Marijuana should not be legalized. The public views marijuana in a 
more favourable view than other narcotics, and the reason some people 
don't use marijuana is that it's illegal and can interfere with the 
ability to obtain employment if you get caught. In other words, once 
marijuana becomes legal, I expect its abuse would go up. -- Curtis Rider

Drinking alcohol is far worse for your health than taking a toke! -- Doreen

Legalization will take the most powerful weapon away from the dealers 
and put it in control of people who do have our best interest in 
mind, from a farming industry developing around marijuana creating 
thousands of jobs, to regulations governing the sale of marijuana to 
18 year olds and higher, to taxation which promises to put billions 
into our economy. Maybe we can even use those billions to combat the 
sale of hard drugs to our citizens and research a marijuana 
breathalyzer to prevent intoxicated driving. -- Christopher Small
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom