Pubdate: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 Source: Times, The (Trenton, NJ) Copyright: 2012 The Times Contact: Details: Author: Robert Sharpe LEGAL MARIJUANA A SOURCE OF REVENUE Marijuana may be fully legal before many New Jersey patients benefit from the medical marijuana law signed by former Gov. Jon Corzine three years ago. Last month, the voters of Colorado and Washington state made it clear that drug warriors can no longer get away with confusing the drug war's collateral damage with a comparatively harmless plant. If the goal of marijuana prohibition is to subsidize violent drug cartels, prohibition is a success: The "drug war" distorts supply and demand dynamics so that big money grows on little trees. If the goal of marijuana prohibition is to deter use, prohibition is a failure; the United States has double the rate of marijuana use of the Netherlands, where marijuana is legal. The criminalization of Americans who prefer marijuana to martinis has no basis in science. The war on marijuana consumers is a failed cultural inquisition, not an evidence-based public health campaign. As a nation, we face a "fiscal cliff," with imminent cuts to both defense and entitlement spending. It's time to stop the pointless arrests and instead tax legal marijuana. - -- Robert Sharpe, MPA, Washington, D.C. The writer is a policy analyst for Common Sense for Drug Policy ( - --- MAP posted-by: Matt