Pubdate: Wed, 12 Dec 2012
Source: Columbian, The (WA)
Copyright: 2012 The Columbian Publishing Co.
Author: David Rand


The Dec. 6 Columbian story "Get the straight dope on what's legal, not
as law takes effect," about the legality of the use of marijuana
contains misleading statements. Two of them are: "Initiative 502 makes
the possession and use of one ounce of marijuana legal for those 21
and older" and "Initiative 502 makes it legal to use marijuana in
private, not in a public place such as a park or on the street." The
initiative changes the Washington law prohibiting marijuana. The state
initiative has no affect on the federal law which classifies marijuana
as a Schedule 1 controlled substance which prohibits its use,
possession and sale.

"Anyone operating a car under the influence of marijuana will be
arrested" is also misleading. A test for the blood level of THC,
tetrahydrocannabinol, that a police officer can administer upon
stopping a suspected driver such as the Breathalyzer test for alcohol
is not available.

The test requires a blood sample be submitted to a laboratory for
analysis. The results are not immediately available. It would not be
practical to arrest and bring in all suspected drivers, some of whom
would be not guilty. Most people operating a car under the influence
of marijuana will not be arrested.

David Rand

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