Pubdate: Fri, 14 Dec 2012
Source: Wenatchee World, The (WA)
Copyright: 2012 World Publishing Company
Author: Michelle McNiel


WENATCHEE - The City Council on Thursday repealed Wenatchee laws
making small amounts of marijuana and drug paraphernalia a crime in
keeping with a new state law legalizing pot possession.

But the city does not plan to dismiss the half-dozen marijuana
possessions that were pending when the law went into effect, as other
cities in the state have done, said City Attorney Steve Smith.

That's because they were in violation of the law when they were

When the new state law went into effect on Dec. 6 after the passage of
Initiative 502, it automatically negated all municipals laws in the
state that criminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Thursday's council action makes city law consistent with state law.

Councilman Tony Veeder asked whether repealing the city's laws will
jeopardize any federal grants the city receives, since marijuana
possession is still prohibited by federal law. Smith said it is
unclear whether the city's eligibility for federal grants will be affected.

Smith said the City Council will also have to address at some point
whether it will issue business licenses to people who want to
manufacture or sell marijuana. Current city laws require businesses to
comply with state and federal laws in order to get a license.
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