Pubdate: Mon, 17 Dec 2012
Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Copyright: 2012 Hearst Communications Inc.


Did President Obama just create a thaw in the very cold, decades-long
war on drugs?

Following the passage of marijuana legalization measures in Colorado
and Washington, Obama spoke to ABC's Barbara Walters with a new sense
of gravity about drug policy. The Colorado and Washington ballot
measures have put those states in direct conflict with federal law on
marijuana, but Obama seems to be aware of shifting public opinion on
this issue.

"This is a tough problem, because Congress has not yet changed the
law," Obama said, a phrase that seemed to open the door for Congress
to do just that. He also said that the country needed to have "a
conversation," whatever that means, but that he didn't think pursuing
recreational marijuana users in Colorado and Washington should be a
"top priority" of federal law enforcement.

Of course, federal law enforcement hasn't focused on individual drug
users for decades - they leave that matter to the state and local
police and focus on larger scale operations. But even with all of his
hedging, Obama seems to understand that Americans want to try new
approaches in the face of an endless drug war.

Should Congress act, states could easily be allowed the space to set
their own rules regarding marijuana. Under the 21st Amendment, they
already have the right to legislate and control the sale and
manufacture of alcoholic beverages. We're sure that there are some
states in the Union that are eager to get their hands on the tax
revenue that would come from legalized marijuana, particularly if they
had the right to set those rates. There would also be states that are
eager to set strict rules on the manufacture and transportation of
marijuana, much as they have for alcohol.

But first Congress has to allow that possibility, as Obama is
suggesting. The legal conflict between states and the federal
government on marijuana is likely to grow with each election cycle.
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D