Pubdate: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 Source: Kamloops This Week (CN BC) Copyright: 2012 Kamloops This Week Contact: Details: HUMAN-RIGHTS COMPLAINT LAUNCHED A Kamloops woman who claims a legal medicinal-marijuana grow caused government social workers to temporarily remove her family from their Dallas home says she's launching a human-rights complaint. Angela Ferguson said Ministry of Children and Family Development social workers booted her family - including her eight-month-old son, 15-year-old stepson and medical-marijuana cardholder husband - from their home on Nov. 28. According to Ferguson, social workers showed up alongside RCMP, who were responding to a tip about a grow-op. Ferguson said Mounties checked her Health Canada papers and went on their way, but the social workers did not. The social workers, Ferguson said, ordered her family to leave the home pending a number of tests. Ferguson said she had to come up with more than $4,500 to pay to have the air quality, electrical and ventilation examined. Though her home passed inspection, Ferguson said there is no means for her to be reimbursed for the tests. Ferguson said her family is filing a complaint against the ministry with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D