Pubdate: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 Source: Press Democrat, The (Santa Rosa, CA) Copyright: 2012 The Press Democrat Contact: Details: Authors: Guy Kovner and Randi Rossmann 'NO SURPRISES' IN MENDOCINO COUNTY POT RAID REVIEW Sheriff Promises Details About Raid On Land Owned By Family Of Sheriff's Captain Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said Wednesday he has received the report on an internal investigation that stemmed from a marijuana raid on property owned by the family of a sheriff's captain. Allman declined to discuss the specifics of the report, saying he had not had sufficient time to review it, but promised to discuss it Friday. "There are no surprises," he said. The investigation was conducted, at Allman's request, by the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office in the wake of an Oct. 11 raid by federal authorities on Potter Valley property owned by the family of Sheriff's Capt. Randy Johnson. Allman said in October that he called for the internal investigation because he was "stonewalled" by federal officials. Sonoma County Assistant Sheriff Lorenzo Duenas said Wednesday that the report had been sent to Allman's office. Duenas said he could not comment on the report because it "involves Mendocino County sheriff's personnel." Federal officials have not divulged any details about the case, including what triggered the raid on the Johnson family property, where 500 marijuana plants allegedly were found. Sources said earlier that the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, FBI and IRS were conducting an investigation of Johnson family members. DEA spokeswoman Casey Rettig said Wednesday she could not release details about the case as it remained sealed by court order. She said the case is ongoing and no arrests have been made. The Johnson family has owned the 16-acre compound on Highway 20 for more than three decades. One of the two parcels is owned by the sheriff's captain and his father, Johnny Johnson, and includes their homes. The adjoining parcel is owned by the elder Johnson and includes numerous rental residences. Sources familiar with the raid have said the 500 pot plants were growing on the parcel owned solely by Johnny Johnson. Randy Johnson was in charge of Mendocino County's previous medical marijuana growing permit program, which allowed cultivation of up to 90 plants. It was shut down after federal officials threatened to sue the county, which now allows 25 plants per parcel. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D