Pubdate: Thu, 20 Dec 2012
Source: Columbian, The (WA)
Copyright: 2012 The Columbian Publishing Co.
Author: Paul Suarez


Sheriff's Sergeant Among Speakers At Rotary Meeting

Forget worrying about excess sugar and butter when reaching for baked
goods at holiday parties this year. Sean Chavez of Prevent! coalition
said you should be worried a different ingredient: Marijuana.

Chavez said his organization has already received reports of people
unknowingly eating baked goods infused with pot after Initiative 502
took effect on Dec. 6. He said although personal use of marijuana is
legal for those 21 or older in Washington, rules in the workplace are
less clear, particularly for organizations that receive federal funding.

Chavez and Clark County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Shane Gardner shared
their perspective on the impacts of Initiative 502's passage with the
Rotary Club of Vancouver on Wednesday. Both said that although
marijuana is legal, its use can have negative effects on people and
the community.

Chavez said increased access can lead to increased usage, which
changes the social standards.

Gardner said there are some places where bongs are sold next to gum.
He said as a parent, he doesn't want to condition children to smoke at
a young age.

He also thinks the change will affect his department. He suspects more
deputies will need to be trained as drug recognition experts - people
who detect if someone is under the influence of a drug and what drug
he or she is under the influence of. It will also be more
time-intensive to test drivers for driving under the influence of
marijuana than citing them for possession.

Pot, alcohol differences

After the 20 minute presentation, the two answered questions from
Rotary members.

Someone asked what the difference is between smoking a joint and
having a hard drink.

"You cannot have a joint and not be high," Chavez said. "You can have
a drink and not be drunk."

He added that there is no way to tell what is in marijuana because
dealers mix it with other substances to "spread it out" and that
people who have not used it before cannot tell how they will respond
to it.

He did admit that smoking a joint won't give you a

Another member asked if pot was a gateway drug.

Gardner said after spending seven years undercover, he's seen a lot of
people who only smoke marijuana. He also said that he hasn't met
anyone who does hard drugs who "skipped marijuana."

Pro-marijuana activists were not invited to speak at the meeting.
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