Pubdate: Wed, 02 Jan 2013
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2013 The Denver Post Corp
Author: John Ingold


Marijuana Spot in Del Norte Closed by Landlord After It Opens Too

The first recreational marijuana lounge to open in Colorado has
already closed its doors after a dispute with its landlord.

The White Horse Inn, in the tiny southern Colorado town of Del Norte,
opened Monday as the first business in the state to offer patrons a
chance to have a joint with their cup of joe. But owner Paul Lovato
said Tuesday morning it was that early open date that caused problems.

Though Lovato had the keys to the building that housed the White Horse
Inn on Monday, his lease on the building didn't start until Tuesday.
Lovato said that when his landlord saw the publicity about the lounge,
he canceled the lease before it took effect.

"By opening early, I kind of screwed myself out of my building,"
Lovato said Tuesday.

Colorado voters in November legalized use and limited possession of
marijuana. Though it remains illegal to sell nonmedical marijuana in
the state-recreational pot shops won't be able to get licenses to
open for about another year-the law allows people to give marijuana
to one another without compensation.

Lovato's business model called for having a storefront where customers
could buy coffee, T-shirts and other items and then a private building
next door where they could smoke free samples of marijuana. He had
planned to open just after New Year's Eve ticked over into New Year's
Day. But pressure from another cannabis venue- Denver's Club 64, a
members-only gathering that intends to stage at different spots
throughout the year-caused Lovato to speed up his

Lovato said he opened for a few hours during the day Monday, long
enough to be the first in the state and to draw the media attention
that came with the distinction.

"Wow guys!" Lovato wrote on the club's Facebook page. "Today was a
blast and a blur!"

The publicity also drew the attention of his landlord, who was less
thrilled about the business, Lovato said.

"It was really unexpected," he said. "I got caught up in the whole 'I
want to be the first to open' thing. And I did that. I was the first.
. I'm pretty proud of that." 
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D