Pubdate: Thu, 03 Jan 2013
Source: Record, The (Hackensack, NJ)
Copyright: 2013 Tim Shoemaker
Author: Tim Shoemaker


To the editor:

Drug related deaths are at the highest level ever recorded in America.
In fact, for the first time in American history, the average citizen
is now more likely to die from a drug overdose than from a car crash.
Those of us who remember headlines from the heroin-plagued 70's or
crack-crazed 80's, may not be as aware of the present day suffering
attributed to drug use.

That disconnect was exactly what a group of Ramsey volunteers sought
to address when they displayed more than one hundred red ribbons in
downtown Ramsey. About two dozen local kids and parents braved
freezing rain conditions to complete the project in time for America's
Red Ribbon Week celebration.

Supported by the Ramsey Municipal Drug Alliance and funded by Nuzzi
Chiropractic of Midland Park, the Red Ribbon Week volunteers
accomplished a week of awareness events.

With the support of Smith School principal Stacy Poelstra, middle
school kids also conducted a drug free pledge, organized a bake sale,
made morning announcements and created drug-free posters for their

We must remember that Ramsey is a microcosm of American society and
that includes drug abuse. Here it involves our neighbors and our kids.
The volunteers hope that their Red Ribbon Week efforts continue to
raise awareness, and hope, on a local level. To be part of next year's
campaign, please send an email to Tim Shoemaker, D.A.R.E. Officer

Ramsey Police
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