Pubdate: Fri, 11 Jan 2013
Source: Goldstream Gazette (Victoria, CN BC)
Copyright: 2013 Black Press
Author: Kyle Wells
Cited: Sensible BC:


Advocate Campaigns For Marijuana Decriminalization

Former NDP leadership candidate and pot advocate Dana Larsen will
speak in Metchosin on Wednesday about an approach to cannabis

Larsen, a founding member of both national and provincial marijuana
political parities, is touring coastal B.C. in support of his Sensible
B.C. campaign.

The campaign promotes the passing of a Sensible Policing Act, which
would direct all police in B.C. "to stop spending any time or
resources on searching, seizing or arresting anyone for simple
cannabis possession," explained Larsen, in a news release.

"The lawyers at Elections B.C. have confirmed that this legislation is
within provincial jurisdiction and suitable for a referendum," said

The goal is to promote a referendum similar to that which reverted the
province's decision to move to HST. Volunteers will collect signatures
until November 2013 and Larsen has been on tour since October 2012 to
promote the campaign.

In Metchosin he will speak to the Association for the Preservation of
Rural Metchosin.

Association president Ken Farquharson said they invited Larsen based
on Metchosin council's endorsement of decriminalizing marijuana at
2012's Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities convention.

"Given the fact the council decided to move on it, I felt we should
know more about it," said Farquharson.

The talk is Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Metchosin Community House, 4430
Happy Valley Road. The presentation takes place during the regular
monthly meeting of the association, but all those who are interested
are invited to attend.

Larsen will also speak at the University of Victoria on Wednesday,
Jan. 23. 
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