Pubdate: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 Source: Guardian, The (UK) Copyright: 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited Contact: Details: Author: Alan Travis DON'T TRY TO BAN ALL 'LEGAL HIGHS', SAYS CROSS-PARTY PEERS' GROUP The least harmful new "legal highs" should be made readily available for sale under strictly regulated conditions rather than being immediately banned as happens now, according to a cross-party group of peers. Senior police officers told the inquiry into the new psychoactive synthetic drugs, which are appearing in Britain at the rate of more than one a week, that the existing criminal sanctions for drug users are doing nothing to reduce their use. Tim Hollis, the chief constable who chairs the Association of Chief Police Officers drugs committee, said the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act was not well positioned to deal with the more complex drugs scene which now exists in Britain. "The solution to the particular challenges of legal highs does not lie in adding inexorably to the list of illicit substances," said Hollis. The police say the speed at which new substances are being produced and marketed means existing laws are being overtaken. They say that party invitations circulating on smartphones now include a weblink to a supplier of legal highs. The report, published today by the House of Lords all-party parliamentary group on drug policy reform, chaired by the crossbench peer Lady Meacher, says it would be far more effective to adopt an initiative from in New Zealand and ask trading standards officers to test and regulate the supply of low-risk legal highs. "Under these controls suppliers would, as is planned in New Zealand, be limited to certain outlets and required to label their product with a clear description of its contents, its risks and the maximum advisable dose. The supplier would also be responsible for assuring that their product causes only limited harms," says the report, adding that the system would encourage young people to avoid the unknown and therefore more dangerous alternatives. Sales to minors and advertising would be banned. The inquiry group, which includes Conservatives Lord Mancroft and Lord Norton and crossbenchers Lady Stern and Lord Cobbold, says the current system of 12-month temporary banning orders to control each new legal high while the government's drug experts establish how dangerous it is does little to protect users. The first legal highs to be banned in Britain were mephedrone, known as miaow miaow and methoxetamine, known as mexxy, which largely imitate the effects of cannabis. They usually come in the form of 1kg packets of white powder produced most often in China and India and sold through online head shops. Meacher said the rapid emergence of legal highs demonstrated the need to reform UK drug policy: "The Misuse of Drugs Act is counterproductive in attempting to reduce drug addiction and other drug harms to young people." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D