Pubdate: Thu, 10 Jan 2013
Source: Creative Loafing Atlanta (GA)
Copyright: 2013, Creative Loafing
Author: Paul Cornwell


Doctors wanted for Georgia's medical marijuana law State's cannabis 
law has sat on the shelf too long

Today, more than 18 states across the country have passed legislation 
allowing the use of medical marijuana. Georgia, oddly enough, was 
among the first. Yet for the last 33 years, the state has done 
virtually nothing to enact the law that would give thousands of 
cancer and glaucoma patients legal access to the plant.

In 1980, the Georgia General Assembly followed the lead of at least 
16 other states and passed legislation allowing for the limited use 
of medical marijuana by people diagnosed with glaucoma and cancer 
patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. It was supported by 
then Lt. Gov. Zell Miller and signed into law by Gov. George Busbee.

The legislation was originally introduced after a woman named Mona 
Taft visited the General Assembly and told state lawmakers the story 
of her husband, Harris, a songwriter who was fighting cancer. He was 
reeling from chemotherapy's side effects, including severe vomiting. 
To ease the pain, Harris smoked some marijuana given to him by a 
friend. Mona said it was the only thing that helped.

"It is impossible for me to describe what a profound difference 
marijuana made," Taft told author Lester Grinspoon in his 1997 book 
Marihuana, the Forbidden Medicine. "Before using marijuana, Harris 
felt ill all the time, could not eat. His mood, his manner, and 
outlook were transformed. Marijuana prolonged his life by allowing 
him to continue chemotherapy. In two years of smoking it, he never 
had an adverse reaction. Marijuana was the least dangerous drug my 
husband received during the nine years he was treated for cancer."

Members from both parties came together to support Taft, including 
then-state Sen. Paul Broun. According to a Feb. 14, 1980, 
Knight-Ridder wire report about the bill, Broun hugged Taft when the 
legislation passed the Senate. The bill's sponsor, Rep. Virlyn Smith, 
R-Fairburn, even told the widow that he'd recently given a 
constituent taking chemotherapy a recipe for marijuana-laced 
chocolate-chip cookies.

Under the law, the state created a program to study the effects of 
medical marijuana on cancer and glaucoma patients. The program was to 
be overseen by the Patient Qualification and Review Board, or PQRB. 
The board's governor-appointed members would review doctors and 
patients allowed to access cannabis for medical treatment. The 
marijuana would come from the University of Mississippi Marijuana 
Project, the nation's only federally approved pot farm.

But Georgia's medical marijuana program soon faced a major problem 
when the legal pot supply dried up. In 1982, the National Institute 
on Drug Abuse and the Drug Enforcement Administration stopped 
delivery of the country's sole source of legal cannabis.

Georgia's program had effectively ended without ever supplying a 
single patient with the medical marijuana promised. Subsequent 
Georgia governors had the authority to reappoint the board, but never 
acted. As a result, the law has lingered on the books for the last 30 years.

But in 2010, a state appellate court ruled that the Georgia Composite 
Medical Board, not the governor, should appoint PQRB members. It was 
also decided that the medical board would administer Georgia's 
medical marijuana program, which is now known as the Controlled 
Substance Therapeutic Research Program. (The Legislature changed the 
name from "The Medical Marijuana Necessities Act" several years after 
passing the law.)

A state-certified pharmacy would be required by law to "manufacture 
and provide" medical-grade cannabis for the program. Georgia's 
medical marijuana law does not allow a "caregiver" or "dispensaries" 
to provide marijuana, or for patients to cultivate their own cannabis.

Upon discovering the court ruling, I, along with other marijuana 
activists, lobbied the composite board to follow the abandoned law, 
appoint the medical marijuana board, and start helping Georgia cancer 
and glaucoma patients legally obtain cannabis.

At first, we were met with resistance and outright hostility by the 
board's executive director. But we prevailed, convincing the board to 
review the legislation and restart the PQRB - the final requirement 
needed to provide cannabis under Georgia law.

PQRB applications have been open since 2010, but only three have been 
received since then. If you're a medical professional and willing to 
volunteer your time, details about applying for an open seat are 
available on the board's website. In addition, financial support from 
institutions and individuals in favor of "compassionate relief" to 
help fund the study is needed. Several state cannabis-reform 
organizations have started to contribute.

After more than three decades, Georgia is now on the verge of 
implementing its medical marijuana law. The PQRB can finally begin 
the state's long-denied study on the efficacy of medical marijuana, 
which other states have conducted for years. The research could help 
add to the list of ailments that can be improved by cannabis 
therapies, such as HIV/AIDS, so that further changes can be proposed 
to state legislation.

And Georgia shouldn't stop there. We need to introduce updated laws 
for medical marijuana based on successful legislation in other 
states, and begin discussing common-sense solutions that could reduce 
our prison population, including decriminalization of the drug.

The battle over what the cannabis nation will look like rages on. In 
Georgia, we have a law on the books, but it still remains to be seen 
when cancer and glaucoma patients here will have legal access to 
medical marijuana.

Note: This copy has been altered because of an editor's error. The 
state lawmaker who hugged Mona Taft was not current Congressman Paul 
Broun, but his father.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom