Pubdate: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 Source: Record Searchlight (Redding, CA) Copyright: 2013 Record Searchlight Contact: Details: DEBATING FIXES FOR UNENFORCED LAW IS FUTILE If out-of-control marijuana growing is wrecking the quality of life in rural Shasta County neighborhoods, as many residents complain, another wheel-spinning committee will certainly not solve the problem. Yet after hours of discussion among county officials and the public - both for and against marijuana - a committee is exactly what the Board of Supervisors decided to form this week. Anyone who thinks more debate at this point will restore anyone's lost quality of life is delusional. And if it costs the county 50 cents to run and staff the committee - and it will be much more, thanks to requirements to publicize meetings, keep minutes, etc. - it will be money wasted instead of getting to the heart of the issue. As Sheriff Tom Bosenko and Rick Simon, the county's assistant director of resource management and head of code enforcement, agreed Tuesday, there was widespread disregard of the existing county rules last year, the first growing season since they took effect. Of complaints the county was able to investigate, fully 85 percent of gardens broke the rules somehow. But the county cannot simply uproot plants that violate the county code. Rather, it must cite the resident and allow for an appeal. But a backlog in scheduling hearings and a simple shortage of qualified hearing officers (a role played by lawyers on contract) delayed the process so long that growers could harvest their plants before they'd face any fine. And once the marijuana is cut down, the "nuisance" along with any penalties are gone. The county is already taking sensible steps to work faster, while still following the law. It might not be enough. Zoning codes are designed to control buildings, not annual crops, and the pace just might never mesh - especially if growers can profit through simple foot-dragging. Still, the county must fix its own affairs. And it must devote adequate resources to policing the code, a financial challenge for a county that currently has one code-enforcement officer and a seriously short-staffed Sheriff's Office. If it can manage that, we might find out if the current ordinance works. But however much a committee might earnestly debate the ideal balance of a county ordinance, rogue operators looking for a quick buck will laugh at the law unless the county can enforce it. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D